The New Year's Eve Summary... in a NutShell...
Ok... so my lil saga starts @ around 5 pm last nite when I headed out to my friend Susan's apt...
1. arrived, and helped her decide sexy top she should wear... she must have went thru 10 tops before deciding...but it was all very fun... in the end though, she decided to wear her "I'm a slave for you" blue suede top, that attracts mucho attention...and she even added a KICK to the shirt.... all in all, all of us dressed to impress, and wore ensembles that focused on our best assets.hahah. pictures to come soon.
2. Tin arrived later on, with a chilled bottle of champagne ready for us to start downing! She even bought mini-bottles of Chambord, Kettle One, Grey Goose, Midori, etc. etc. so we could spike our drinks later in the evening.
3. We blasted Susan's mp3s while we were getting ready. These weren't just any mp3s. these were her OLD ASS mp3s from the dorms from 4 years ago. She had such classics as Riverdance, Monifah- touch it, Rumpshaker, Outkast-Rosa parks, old skool Madonna songs, Billie Meyers - Kiss the Rain, and a whole lotta OLD ASS mid 90's music. Very fun.
4. We all headed out to the strip in cabs, first stop saddle ranch for a decent buffet selection. The highlight of eating was when the band came around and played requests. "Chris and Mike" played Prince's Red Corvette on the guitar and the fiddle.. while we chimmed in with our New Years Blow ... that blowy new years instrument. The running joke of the evening was giving cute guys that were around a new years blow.... not an actual "blow" but a toot on the new years instrument thing.
5. Saddle Ranch was kinda dead @ 8 so we headed up the the "east" themed party @ Miyagi's as Saddle Ranch and Miyagi's were throwing an "East meets West" party last night. @ Miyagi's we ate some "asian inspired" food, STANDING, because all the damn tables were RSVP only, for those "big celebs" that would be coming, but never did... so what the hell? Moving on, eventually a table opened up and we sat, drank, and danced to the music videos that came on. And while these music videos came on, we "tooted" on our blowers with the beats and rhythms... we were the show in the rooom we were in.hahah.. Our favorite club videos came on, Xtina's Dirrrrty, and Justin's Like I love You.. we have muchos fun... that is until the Karaoke began @ 10... there were a couple good songs, but then people started singing buzz killers like "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" and other cheesy, non-partying tunes. Oooh, and when Tin was halfway done with her Midori Sour, she decided to bust out a mni-bottle of Grey Goose and dumped it into her drink...and as she was dumping, the waitress is walking by, and sees her..and ends up scolding Tin, "Don't let me see you doing that again" hahahahah. Bad Tin..hahah. Moving on, the crowd was gettin we head back to "SaddleBags" @ 11 and decided to ring in the new year over there. Note: it was FREEEEZING on the Strip @ this time.
6. Back @ saddle ranch, Susan keeps telling us to "line up" our new years kiss. She was very eager, and @ the bar, she decided the bartender "name we do not know" would be the receiver of her new year's smooch. There was no one there worthy for me... so I bowed out of the "New Year's Kiss Agreement" that we had settled on earlier in the evening. =) We all got a couple more drinks, and when midnight was rolling around, Susan and Tin had had their fair share of drinks. They were getting close to the edge. @ midnight we champagne toasted, blew the blowy things outside on the patio...with hundreds of pedestrians walkin on the strip... lotta ghetto people screamin LEWD comments like "Where the titties!" Like..:PUH LEASE. BLEHH.
7. A lil while after midnight, Tin had to excuse herself to YACK, and then Susan ran to the restroom herself... where we found her eventually YACKIN over the toilet, feeling helpless. Her roomie decided to take her home, while the rest of us left too to catch a taxi back to susan's. In LA, you can't fit 5 in a cab, so we had to split. We left first, and with hella people catching cabs in our area, Tin, another friend named Jessica, and myself..decided we'd be "strategic" and catch a cab @ the Hyatt down the block. Needless to say, that turned out to be a BAD idea. When we got to the valet area, there was a line of people, and NO organization whatsoever. People were cutting in front of each other, grabbin taxi's from other people... it was bad. and it was COLLLLLLD outside. We had waited about 30 minutes when we get a call from Susan's roomate... apparently they were HOME already. Then we decide to ask her to come pick us up.... and we are standing out in the F****** cold as the hotel didn't let non-hotel guests into the hotel. FREEEZING.. literally FREEEZING, my nose wanted to fall off. It took Susie another 40 minutes or so to get close to where we were.. so we decided to venture out on foot to meet up with her car, which was stuck in traffic 1/4 mile away.... we walk, in the cold, freeezing our asses off, being victims of lewd comments again, and racist comments like "mushi mushi!" ...what are we japanese?!?! Assholes!! Anyways, I even met a hispanic stranger named walter, and shoook hands with him...hahahah.. movin on...we eventually met up with Susie and we B-lined to the car like a moth to a flame.
So yeah, a BAD BAD BAD start to a new year. The rest of the year better be better than last night. I hope everyone else had a good time. =)
Wednesday, January 01, 2003
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
New Year's Eve 2002----
Events that have happened and will happen today:
1. woke up and baked 8 delicious Neees -Le Toool-Hous Chocolate Chip Cookies. Warm, soft, yummy. 6 are gone. 2 are left. Where did the 6 go? Into my tummy cuz that is all I ate today as my lazybutt was in no condition to go out and get food.
2. Watched "What Woman Want" on dvd. And an enlightening quote, that resonated with me, and I'm sure will resonate with many of my girl friends:
Nick Marshall: [To Darcy] He made you feel the price you pay, just for being you, is that you don't get to have love.
--Being me is great and it is fabulous and truly rewarding and amazing in the BIG BIG picture, but is it really that great when it comes down to what really matters, down to what I want? = /
3. Getting ready to celebrate New Year's Eve 2k2 with my friends Susan, Tin, and Susan's Roomie Susie... @ Miyagi's/Saddleranch on Sunset. Should be a stellar evening with food, fun, people, and a champagne toast. Who are Susan and Tin? Two friends I met while interning @ New Line Cinema Publicity during the spring of 2002. They rule!
4. Reflecting on another year gone, and another year on its way. What shall make up 2003? My dreams becoming reality, is indeed, what I look forward too... with everyone I know and love, experiencing all of that with me.
Events that have happened and will happen today:
1. woke up and baked 8 delicious Neees -Le Toool-Hous Chocolate Chip Cookies. Warm, soft, yummy. 6 are gone. 2 are left. Where did the 6 go? Into my tummy cuz that is all I ate today as my lazybutt was in no condition to go out and get food.
2. Watched "What Woman Want" on dvd. And an enlightening quote, that resonated with me, and I'm sure will resonate with many of my girl friends:
Nick Marshall: [To Darcy] He made you feel the price you pay, just for being you, is that you don't get to have love.
--Being me is great and it is fabulous and truly rewarding and amazing in the BIG BIG picture, but is it really that great when it comes down to what really matters, down to what I want? = /
3. Getting ready to celebrate New Year's Eve 2k2 with my friends Susan, Tin, and Susan's Roomie Susie... @ Miyagi's/Saddleranch on Sunset. Should be a stellar evening with food, fun, people, and a champagne toast. Who are Susan and Tin? Two friends I met while interning @ New Line Cinema Publicity during the spring of 2002. They rule!
4. Reflecting on another year gone, and another year on its way. What shall make up 2003? My dreams becoming reality, is indeed, what I look forward too... with everyone I know and love, experiencing all of that with me.
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