Wednesday, February 26, 2003

freedom by David Gray
take your eyes off me
there's nothing here to see
just trying to keep my head together
and as we make our vow
let us remember how
there's nothing good that lasts forever

time out on the running boards
we're running
through a world that lost its meaning
trying to find a way to love
this running ain't no kind of freedom

feel the touch of grief
you stand in disbelief
can steal the earth from right beneath you
and falling in so far
they know just where you are
yeah but there ain't no way to reach you

time out on the running boards
we're running
through a world that lost its meaning
trying to find a way to love
this running ain't no kind of freedom
yeah yeah

its time to clean these boats
fold up these parachutes
the words goodbye but I can't say it
the end is close at hand I think we understand
there ain't no use trying to delay it

time out on the running boards
we're running
through a world that lost its meaning
trying to find a way to love
this running ain't no kind of freedom
freedom freedom

fasten on my mask
i'm bending to the task
I know this work is never finished
and if I close my eyes
I can still see you dancing laughing loud and undiminished

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Amy Fu's quote:"To me, sisterhood is giving your last toilet paper square to your sis in the next stall, even after taking a big s*%!#." --To Deltas, I give you my last square. Any day.

Theme: FORMALS 2003 - Le Meridian Hotel, Beverly Hills, California
Music Title to Describe My Mood: I'm On a High, On a High, On a High - Duncan Sheik ... This mood isn't changing anytime soon.

Life. Deltas. Formals. Lucky. Fabulous people. Le Meridian is the greatest place. Everything on Saturday was just sooo rad. soo awesome. A perfect ending to the best 4 years of my life. 4 years filled with: Love - for and love from true sisters, Dreams - more than I could ever imagine I have lived, having accomplished quite a few of the dreams I set out for as a Senior in high school. School - getting into Annenberg School of Communication, finally. Life - the balancing act of school, family, friends, deltas, work, internships, movies, music, aim, etc. etc.

Love: deltas was my calling. In a slice of the world I was able to build myself in every possible way. The people who kept me true to myself, to have grown immensely but to have kept the innocence and values I have held onto through out my entire life. Never losing myself - to peer pressure, to all the shittyness in the world that exist, to have lived a fulfilling 4 years. Life doesn't get better than this. Deltas - my antiDrug. hehehe.

Dreams: some of the dreams I have accomplished. In high school, I told my friends that someday I would see/meet Michelle Pfeiffer, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt and other stars, as I hoped to make movies in my future as LA was my future. And who knew, by the time I was a Jr., I was interning in Publicity @ New Line Cinema. I worked the I AM SAM press junket and movie premiere, and got to see .. Michelle Pfeiffer... in a work related atmosphere..not just going to the mall adn seeing them. And from then to now, I'm living part of my dream, as my dream has become my reality. Getting experience in college before I head out to the real world, and having this amazing opportunities.... sometimes I find all this surreal.

School: from coming in as Undeclared..going to Business finally deciding on Communication, I found my true calling. The facilities are the best on campus, the resources and networking are incredible, and this school works for the students. I am amazed by what USC has given me and leave SC having acheived many things I didn't even imagine I would do, complete, etc.

Life: Balancing all of these. Feeling fulfilled. Feeling incredible. Feeling as if I'm ready for the rest of the world, the rest of life. I'm prepared. But still there's this empty space.... for what? You tell me. I know it's an empty space that needs to be time.. with the right "variable" .. someday it'll happen. Cuz what goes around comes around. And my realistic optimist mindset tells me that.

With so much I have, I only live to give some of my happiness, my fullfillment, my spirit, my soul to all those important peeps in my life. If you ever need someone to talk to, to just sit with you, to help you out, tow atch reality tv with, please do ask. I'm ready to give you my last toilet paper square. I am.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

OK.In homage..and that is, HO-MAAAGE to mell, I will have a lovely FORMALS BEST list as well after attending 8 informal/formals. My god I'm frickin old.

Best Formals That I Have Been To.... All were great of course. =)
1. Alpha Pi - My Own Dammit. No reason is even needed. Hot escort.
2. Alpha Tau - This years. They're my daughters. The one I invested myself into the most. And whatta Hotel and whatta waltz. Had a super time with my Hot escort who's one of my best friends, too.
3. Alpha Sig - Took Lil Bro sang who was soo fun. And BIG DANCE FLOOR. And great booty music.
4. Alpha Rho - Love you Alpha Rho, had a great time, but living with AP day-to-day, their greatness is even more amazing then me having to rank formals. hehe.

Top Formals Dinners
1. Alpha Tau - The food @ Le Meridian is the best. I demand formals to be here everytime from now on. Great caesar salad in parmasean cheese bowl, great chicken that wasn't DRY for once, and great pear tart with real vanilla bean ice cream
2-4. who cares. The food sucked. hahahahah.

More BEST OF FORMALS.... LIST in 2 hours. Blogger is upgrading hardware.