For those that want the honor or adding your own lil footnotes/comments/reflections to my blog entries..... you now have that option. CLick on the COMMENTS link under each entry you'd like to respond to. BIG SHOUT OUT to MATT, for being such fabulous BLOG-SUPPORT and adding the Comments options. You rock!
Saturday, May 10, 2003
Friday, May 09, 2003
Last night, my delta family had dinner @ Wood Ranch @ The Grove. Things to point out @ this time: WOOD RANCH is a BBQ haven. Chicken, Pork Ribs. Beef Ribs. Tri-Tip. Garlic Rolls. Artichoke Dip. It is the place to go in LA for some damn good finger-lickin-lick-lick-lick good grub!!!! If you haven't been, Go, Run, Now! Ahree thoroughly enjoyed dining on a pair of BBQ'd chicken boobs, boobs that would not shrink in size, according to her. She claimed to have taken at least 5 bites of the boobs, yet the chicken boobs did not appear to reduce in size in her eyes. Things to ponder: abnormal hormonal chicken? Or was Ahree seeing a mirage?
Mao had trouble cutting up her "half of a chicken carcass" dinner platter as she decided to "eat like a lady," *gasp!* by using her fork and knife. Apparently her parents think she usually noshes in a "wild" manner. Personally, I have never witnessed Mao consuming food in a savage or sadistic manner, so I guess I should keep my eyes peeled for flying bones and chicken flesh next time. Note to self: Bring umbrella and pancho to dinner next time to fend off any AIRBOURNE food pieces from Mao's plate.
Nothing exciting occured on Kristen's plate, but if I do recall, she did model a lovely new bracelet with some pretty ICE. At dinner, Jess(AO) did mention her enjoyable days @ work. She had her 60 day review and her boss has complained that she spends much too much time on ** gasp!** AIM... who woulda knew!?!?!? To improve her behavior, Jess has decided that she's gonna go COLD TURKEY: she uninstalled AIM on her computer and hell has frozen over. DevilishXangel will no longer be online from 9-6 daily now. R.I.P. DxA. You will be missed. hahahah.
And, of course, my big sis. Bon Bon Bon. Funny annecdote, she was wearing a jean jacket and dinner, and I'm busy eating my fabulous tri-tip with lotsa BBQ sauce when she decided to take her jean jacket off to reveal an assymetrical clubbing like top. Fabulous top showing plenty of skin, it was, so I HAD to tease her with food still in my mouth, "Sexy top big sis!!!" And then Jess(AO) decided to point out, "Uhhh Jess, realll nice, you've got bbq sauce all over your mouth." Yeah. Note to self: don't talk with my mouth full of globby bbq sauce. Sorry if I grossed yall out.
Ok. The ultimate highlight of dinner was seeing OZZZY OSBOURNE....then realizing, it wasn't OZZY, but it was a WOMAN who looked like OZZY!!! Check it out, we're all sittin in a booth eating dinner, and I peer over Ahree's head at the next banquette behind our booth, believing that I see OZZY OSBOURNE in the flesh. I'm about to shout out to my delta family, "Look over there, it's Ozzy Osbbb..." when I realize, it's a brown-haired WOMAN who looks like OZZY. Scary thought I know. So I bust up laughin so hard, like I haven't laughed in ages and tell everyone at the table bout how I mistakened a women for OZZY OSBOURNE. All of us look over and most of us start cackling. It was great. Our table couldn't stop laughin, and neither could I. Ok. Maybe you had to be there.
Ok.... on a more serious and hearfelt note, last nite's dinner was held as a farewell dinner for my grandlil sis/daughter AHREE. Ms. Ahree Song hailing from the great Midwest. Who is she? She's a mini Korean girl who enjoys hittin up her local WAL-MART back home, cuz, it's apparently the thing to do out there in the midwest. Sweet, sweet, thoughtful girl she is and I'm gonna miss her soooooo much. She's this lil ball of fire, with such determination, love, thoughtfulness, dedication, and devotion to her p-sisses. I wish nothing but good things for her as she goes back to Ohio to attend Cornell during the fall for Hotel Management. She was only out here for a year, but she has definitely left a huge impact on all of us here, for a lifetime. It's very sad to see her go, and I pray she flies back out to LA for crucial events and for fun soon. We'll miss you, Ree, and your flashing boobs. xoxo.
Last night, my delta family had dinner @ Wood Ranch @ The Grove. Things to point out @ this time: WOOD RANCH is a BBQ haven. Chicken, Pork Ribs. Beef Ribs. Tri-Tip. Garlic Rolls. Artichoke Dip. It is the place to go in LA for some damn good finger-lickin-lick-lick-lick good grub!!!! If you haven't been, Go, Run, Now! Ahree thoroughly enjoyed dining on a pair of BBQ'd chicken boobs, boobs that would not shrink in size, according to her. She claimed to have taken at least 5 bites of the boobs, yet the chicken boobs did not appear to reduce in size in her eyes. Things to ponder: abnormal hormonal chicken? Or was Ahree seeing a mirage?
Mao had trouble cutting up her "half of a chicken carcass" dinner platter as she decided to "eat like a lady," *gasp!* by using her fork and knife. Apparently her parents think she usually noshes in a "wild" manner. Personally, I have never witnessed Mao consuming food in a savage or sadistic manner, so I guess I should keep my eyes peeled for flying bones and chicken flesh next time. Note to self: Bring umbrella and pancho to dinner next time to fend off any AIRBOURNE food pieces from Mao's plate.
Nothing exciting occured on Kristen's plate, but if I do recall, she did model a lovely new bracelet with some pretty ICE. At dinner, Jess(AO) did mention her enjoyable days @ work. She had her 60 day review and her boss has complained that she spends much too much time on ** gasp!** AIM... who woulda knew!?!?!? To improve her behavior, Jess has decided that she's gonna go COLD TURKEY: she uninstalled AIM on her computer and hell has frozen over. DevilishXangel will no longer be online from 9-6 daily now. R.I.P. DxA. You will be missed. hahahah.
And, of course, my big sis. Bon Bon Bon. Funny annecdote, she was wearing a jean jacket and dinner, and I'm busy eating my fabulous tri-tip with lotsa BBQ sauce when she decided to take her jean jacket off to reveal an assymetrical clubbing like top. Fabulous top showing plenty of skin, it was, so I HAD to tease her with food still in my mouth, "Sexy top big sis!!!" And then Jess(AO) decided to point out, "Uhhh Jess, realll nice, you've got bbq sauce all over your mouth." Yeah. Note to self: don't talk with my mouth full of globby bbq sauce. Sorry if I grossed yall out.
Ok. The ultimate highlight of dinner was seeing OZZZY OSBOURNE....then realizing, it wasn't OZZY, but it was a WOMAN who looked like OZZY!!! Check it out, we're all sittin in a booth eating dinner, and I peer over Ahree's head at the next banquette behind our booth, believing that I see OZZY OSBOURNE in the flesh. I'm about to shout out to my delta family, "Look over there, it's Ozzy Osbbb..." when I realize, it's a brown-haired WOMAN who looks like OZZY. Scary thought I know. So I bust up laughin so hard, like I haven't laughed in ages and tell everyone at the table bout how I mistakened a women for OZZY OSBOURNE. All of us look over and most of us start cackling. It was great. Our table couldn't stop laughin, and neither could I. Ok. Maybe you had to be there.
Ok.... on a more serious and hearfelt note, last nite's dinner was held as a farewell dinner for my grandlil sis/daughter AHREE. Ms. Ahree Song hailing from the great Midwest. Who is she? She's a mini Korean girl who enjoys hittin up her local WAL-MART back home, cuz, it's apparently the thing to do out there in the midwest. Sweet, sweet, thoughtful girl she is and I'm gonna miss her soooooo much. She's this lil ball of fire, with such determination, love, thoughtfulness, dedication, and devotion to her p-sisses. I wish nothing but good things for her as she goes back to Ohio to attend Cornell during the fall for Hotel Management. She was only out here for a year, but she has definitely left a huge impact on all of us here, for a lifetime. It's very sad to see her go, and I pray she flies back out to LA for crucial events and for fun soon. We'll miss you, Ree, and your flashing boobs. xoxo.
Like a JUNKIE needs HEROIN.
Like a BABY needs FORMULA.
Like a FAT KID craves CAKE.
Like JESS loves...(fill in the blank)
Today's theme: FOOD
***a quick rundown of what [food] makes a crappy day for Jess a good one.***
-Vanilla Bean Cheesecake from CF
-Church's Friiiied Cheeeeken
-California Chicken Cafe
- 2 words: WOOD RANCH.... love them bbq everything and the garlic rolls
-Toast with Butter and Honey
-Homemade Guacamole
-Strawberry Shortcake from Grand Lux Cafe
-Miso Salmon. Salmon in general. You can bring me a slab of raw salmon. Ahi Tuna too. YellowTail too. And I'll cook it. For you. And that'll make my day too.
-While we're on japanese food, SUSHI GEN's sashimi....right julia? Muahahha.
-Crazyfish sushi
-Martha's 22nd St. Grill, MINUS any MILKSHAKES whatsoever.....then lounging on Hermosa Beach afterwards.
-Chano's Mixed Up Burger with Eggg... ok, now I know what I'll miss as I move away from SC. CHANOS.
- Food: do you see the trend here? hahah.
Like a BABY needs FORMULA.
Like a FAT KID craves CAKE.
Like JESS loves...(fill in the blank)
Today's theme: FOOD
***a quick rundown of what [food] makes a crappy day for Jess a good one.***
-Vanilla Bean Cheesecake from CF
-Church's Friiiied Cheeeeken
-California Chicken Cafe
- 2 words: WOOD RANCH.... love them bbq everything and the garlic rolls
-Toast with Butter and Honey
-Homemade Guacamole
-Strawberry Shortcake from Grand Lux Cafe
-Miso Salmon. Salmon in general. You can bring me a slab of raw salmon. Ahi Tuna too. YellowTail too. And I'll cook it. For you. And that'll make my day too.
-While we're on japanese food, SUSHI GEN's sashimi....right julia? Muahahha.
-Crazyfish sushi
-Martha's 22nd St. Grill, MINUS any MILKSHAKES whatsoever.....then lounging on Hermosa Beach afterwards.
-Chano's Mixed Up Burger with Eggg... ok, now I know what I'll miss as I move away from SC. CHANOS.
- Food: do you see the trend here? hahah.
Thursday, May 08, 2003
...I DL mp3s. And because I love music so much and love dl'ing illegally, I also love to share my musical finds. I live a vicarious life filled with very ECCLECTIC music. So share in the love. the glory. the pleasure of mp3s courtesy of my PlayList.
Music from:
The Real Cancun (this move is such awesome fun with such an awesome summer soundtrack. These tracks are beachy, driving, upbeat tracks, so take a crack @ it. Swing batter batter swing!)
Snoop Dogg - Beautiful
Bad Ronald - 1st Time (scandalous, but totally rockin)
OK Go - So Damn Hot
Simple Plan - Grow Up (punk fun)
Trick Daddy ft. Trina - Take It To Da House (ass shakin music)
Kottonmouth Kings - Positive Vibes
Hot Action Cop - Fever for the Flavor
Jack Johnson (new album released on Tuesday called ON AND ON....if you like Kick-Back Jams, he's your man. He's having a concert @ the HOLLYWOOD BOWL, Mon. Aug. 4th, ft. Ben Harper. Me and my gurls are gonna go. If interested, hit me up. If you've never been to a concert @ the Bowl, you need to go. Like ASAP. It's awesome and one of the best things I like about Los Angeles)
Wasting Time
Holes to Heaven
Times Like These
Cookie Jar
Fall Line
Peter Yorn - (He's very BECK sounding, but an awesome mellow-kind. Check him out....his music.)
Strange Condition
Sleep Better
Lose You
On Your Side
Girl Like You
You Never Knew
Greenwheel - Breathe "I'm alright, I'm alright, and only it hurts when I breathe, and I can't ask for things to be still again....
The Juliana Theory - Constellation "Words that cant be spoken, and I wanna be selfish, you're my everything, some things can never be explained, but does your love reamin unchanged, i really wouldnt be teh same without you...."
Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
And if you haven't DL'ed these already, hop to it:
Stroke 9 - Do it Again
Jimmy Eat World - My Sundown
Vertical Horizon - Give You Back
Vertical Horizon - You're a God
The Notwist - Consequence
Josh Kelley - Amazing
Jason Mraz - You and I Both
Jason Mraz - I'll Do Anything
Jason Mraz - Sleep All Day
Ryan Adams - La Cienega Just Smiled
...I DL mp3s. And because I love music so much and love dl'ing illegally, I also love to share my musical finds. I live a vicarious life filled with very ECCLECTIC music. So share in the love. the glory. the pleasure of mp3s courtesy of my PlayList.
Music from:
The Real Cancun (this move is such awesome fun with such an awesome summer soundtrack. These tracks are beachy, driving, upbeat tracks, so take a crack @ it. Swing batter batter swing!)
Snoop Dogg - Beautiful
Bad Ronald - 1st Time (scandalous, but totally rockin)
OK Go - So Damn Hot
Simple Plan - Grow Up (punk fun)
Trick Daddy ft. Trina - Take It To Da House (ass shakin music)
Kottonmouth Kings - Positive Vibes
Hot Action Cop - Fever for the Flavor
Jack Johnson (new album released on Tuesday called ON AND ON....if you like Kick-Back Jams, he's your man. He's having a concert @ the HOLLYWOOD BOWL, Mon. Aug. 4th, ft. Ben Harper. Me and my gurls are gonna go. If interested, hit me up. If you've never been to a concert @ the Bowl, you need to go. Like ASAP. It's awesome and one of the best things I like about Los Angeles)
Wasting Time
Holes to Heaven
Times Like These
Cookie Jar
Fall Line
Peter Yorn - (He's very BECK sounding, but an awesome mellow-kind. Check him out....his music.)
Strange Condition
Sleep Better
Lose You
On Your Side
Girl Like You
You Never Knew
Greenwheel - Breathe "I'm alright, I'm alright, and only it hurts when I breathe, and I can't ask for things to be still again....
The Juliana Theory - Constellation "Words that cant be spoken, and I wanna be selfish, you're my everything, some things can never be explained, but does your love reamin unchanged, i really wouldnt be teh same without you...."
Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
And if you haven't DL'ed these already, hop to it:
Stroke 9 - Do it Again
Jimmy Eat World - My Sundown
Vertical Horizon - Give You Back
Vertical Horizon - You're a God
The Notwist - Consequence
Josh Kelley - Amazing
Jason Mraz - You and I Both
Jason Mraz - I'll Do Anything
Jason Mraz - Sleep All Day
Ryan Adams - La Cienega Just Smiled
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
Mp3 Babble
I still light up like a candle burning when he calls me up,
I still melt down like a candle burning everytime we touch...... Macy Gray - Still
Coldplay "The Scientist"
Nobody said it was easy,
It's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard.
Oh, take me back to the start.
I was just guessing,
The numbers and figures,
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science,
Science and progress,
Do not speak as loud as my heart.
FYI: no relevance to my life, but it's cute nonetheless.
I still light up like a candle burning when he calls me up,
I still melt down like a candle burning everytime we touch...... Macy Gray - Still
Coldplay "The Scientist"
Nobody said it was easy,
It's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard.
Oh, take me back to the start.
I was just guessing,
The numbers and figures,
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science,
Science and progress,
Do not speak as loud as my heart.
FYI: no relevance to my life, but it's cute nonetheless.
mp3s rockin:Jack Johnson - Holes to Heaven, Greenwheel - Breathe, Peter Yorn - Sleep Better
Julia aim'ed me today that she loves to read my blogs. She enjoys reading them so much, she reads them while she proctors final exams for students. She loves them so much she has to stop herself from busting up in the midst of a test. She loves them so much poor lil testtakers look @ her funny cuz she has a huge smile on her face while proctoring poor students taking exams. MUAHHA.
Life is good.
jewels2525: hey
jewels2525: jess i love ur blogs
jewels2525: esp that story about the shoplifters
UscJessC: do u?
UscJessC: thanks for reading. i appreciate it.
UscJessC: :-)
UscJessC: thanks thanks. it felt real good @ work, to be apart of shoo-ing way per-puh-trators
UscJessC: 8-)
jewels2525: haha was reading while i was proctering
jewels2525: almost busted up laughing in class
jewels2525: so i had this huge smile on my face
jewels2525: and these poor kids... w/ the frowns from finals
jewels2525: just stared at me funny
mp3s rockin:Jack Johnson - Holes to Heaven, Greenwheel - Breathe, Peter Yorn - Sleep Better
Julia aim'ed me today that she loves to read my blogs. She enjoys reading them so much, she reads them while she proctors final exams for students. She loves them so much she has to stop herself from busting up in the midst of a test. She loves them so much poor lil testtakers look @ her funny cuz she has a huge smile on her face while proctoring poor students taking exams. MUAHHA.
Life is good.
jewels2525: hey
jewels2525: jess i love ur blogs
jewels2525: esp that story about the shoplifters
UscJessC: do u?
UscJessC: thanks for reading. i appreciate it.
UscJessC: :-)
UscJessC: thanks thanks. it felt real good @ work, to be apart of shoo-ing way per-puh-trators
UscJessC: 8-)
jewels2525: haha was reading while i was proctering
jewels2525: almost busted up laughing in class
jewels2525: so i had this huge smile on my face
jewels2525: and these poor kids... w/ the frowns from finals
jewels2525: just stared at me funny
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
High on Life
mp3s rockin: Macy Gray - Still, Peter Yorn - Girl Like You, Jimmy Eat World - My Sundown
-Someone looked @ my website today and was takin a look @ the new pictures I uploaded from AGC Talent Show... he took a looksy, and told me, "u guys look like u have a lotta fun." And when he said that, I told him, "yup, we're high on life."
High on Life. That is what we are. To be able to be so happy, to just kick back and be silly, be stupid, be girly, and just be real amongst these gurls, to feel like you have nothing to hold back, is honestly one of the greatest feelings I've had in college. Never have I felt like I couldn't trip, fall, STREAK(muahaha), burp, say something irrelevant, witty, cheesy, sarcastic, meaningful, or whatevers, infront of these people.
We're all individuals with such vast interests, different tastes in music, movies, clothes, styles, studying habits, cleaning habits, yet its the differences that make us love each other. We share our own personal interests with each other, and take on other sisters's interests cuz we wanna check out what our sisters love, are diggin, cuz we care enough to do that and want to do that. What was K-pop to me before I met Grace? Absolutely nothing. I love k-pop now. What was Engineering before I met Mell and Grace? Not much. What was my mp3 collection before I met Mell, Cheryl, Tracy, Mare, Shelly, Mao, Gauvin, Vicky, Anna Chu and everyone other Delta? Ecclectic...but not as ecclectic as it is now. It's funny and ironic how I can hear i certain song in my Winamp, and think of who suggested/exposed it to me.
And let's talk about movies. Helluv movies have significance because I got to see it with them, or talk to them about it, or got them to see it or they got me to see it. I swear. It's all these lil lil lil things, that add up to mean so much to me. So again, today, I say thank you. Thank you to Deltas. Thank you for that bid 4 falls ago in September. Thank you for not making my SC experience into what I thought it'd be..... instead, you've made it out to be better than I ever thought this experience could ever be.
So there you have it. Another reason for why I am grateful for living the life I do.
mp3s rockin: Macy Gray - Still, Peter Yorn - Girl Like You, Jimmy Eat World - My Sundown
-Someone looked @ my website today and was takin a look @ the new pictures I uploaded from AGC Talent Show... he took a looksy, and told me, "u guys look like u have a lotta fun." And when he said that, I told him, "yup, we're high on life."
High on Life. That is what we are. To be able to be so happy, to just kick back and be silly, be stupid, be girly, and just be real amongst these gurls, to feel like you have nothing to hold back, is honestly one of the greatest feelings I've had in college. Never have I felt like I couldn't trip, fall, STREAK(muahaha), burp, say something irrelevant, witty, cheesy, sarcastic, meaningful, or whatevers, infront of these people.
We're all individuals with such vast interests, different tastes in music, movies, clothes, styles, studying habits, cleaning habits, yet its the differences that make us love each other. We share our own personal interests with each other, and take on other sisters's interests cuz we wanna check out what our sisters love, are diggin, cuz we care enough to do that and want to do that. What was K-pop to me before I met Grace? Absolutely nothing. I love k-pop now. What was Engineering before I met Mell and Grace? Not much. What was my mp3 collection before I met Mell, Cheryl, Tracy, Mare, Shelly, Mao, Gauvin, Vicky, Anna Chu and everyone other Delta? Ecclectic...but not as ecclectic as it is now. It's funny and ironic how I can hear i certain song in my Winamp, and think of who suggested/exposed it to me.
And let's talk about movies. Helluv movies have significance because I got to see it with them, or talk to them about it, or got them to see it or they got me to see it. I swear. It's all these lil lil lil things, that add up to mean so much to me. So again, today, I say thank you. Thank you to Deltas. Thank you for that bid 4 falls ago in September. Thank you for not making my SC experience into what I thought it'd be..... instead, you've made it out to be better than I ever thought this experience could ever be.
So there you have it. Another reason for why I am grateful for living the life I do.
Monday, May 05, 2003
Thanks to Ry-Ry Migita, for uploading our AGC Talent Show Hip-HOp Dance Routine
Link: (cut n paste)
Mission: AGC Talent Show, Sun. May 4th, 2003, 6 PM, USC's Bovard Auditorium
Scenario: We'd beeen practicing hard for about a week and a half, for last night's performance. 16 of us Deltas decided to perform this dance together and whatta bonding experience it was. Yesterday's performance was full of deltalicious energy and high-spirirts. Thank you to all of those Deltas, DeltaHo's, DeltasFans, DeltaBitches(j/k), friends, family, ex-pledge sisters of all deltas..i.e. annette, cindy, xtina choi, michelle, andrea, (am i forgetting anyone else??) who can out to support Deltas. We love you!!!
Memories and Classic DPK Moments: Coach Grace, Costume Designer Sy.. a master with the sccissors, The sweat, tears, time sacraficed, laughs, bags of Teddy Grahams and Chex-Mix consumed, the scent of cheesy ranch Fritos Twists filling the air, ordering in Thai Food, learning to C-walk, Susan Park attempting to find Toilet Paper in Founders, Mell falling asleep smelling the nasty ass carpet in Founders, "washing the car" with our asses.. or was it hula-hooping, or was it what Kri10 said, "Wash it, Buff it, Wax it"--- with your butt, the spies, the group costume fittings, our Partridge Family trip to Big-Kmart Saturday night, 15 of us Asian girls, parading through being the only ASIANS in the entire store, on a mission to find 16 pairs of pants to match baby-blue tshirts, finally settling on $20 JOE BOXER cargos with these diagonal pockets and 8-ball inside pockets, Sy's over-sized cargos, Grace gettin yelled @ by disgruntled Kmart employees for "tresspassing" into the fittin rooms...cuz the fittin rooms apparently close @ 7 pm when the store doesnt close till 11. WTF!?!? Amy's ugly ass flowery costume she decided to model for us when we entered the store, finding white gym socks to use as arm gloves... "gym socks or fishnet stockings, guys?", Susan Park's body rolls, Mare's bad knee that needed icing, shelly's lucky XMAS socks, Hannah's ultimate ass shakin to Xtina, Emily's expert Wet'n'Wild blue eye shimmer, #203's salon's FLAT IRONS turned up to level 21 frying our hair...but dammmmn our hair looked good, singing Avril's Complicated in Topping and dancing to 50 Cent's In Da Club, doing our make-up together, pampering each other as we straighten each other's hair with the FLAT IRONS, using Jess' Watson's Blotting Paper, taking pics @ Tommy T, gettin looks on Jefferson and @ Burger King as strangers see 8 Deltas walkin around asking us why we were all dressed up and lookin good, Audrey sittin on GUM backstage..5 minutes before Call-Time, Ahree's "Uh! What!" Xtina move, Tracy droppin her pants so the world could see that DPK rocks yo' world. Do you understand now, why, DELTAS ROCK YO' WORLD? A week and a half, and soooo many memories to last a lifetime. Yall are my "No. 1!"
I love you, Deltas. Past. Present. Future. If you ain't down with us, you aint' down @ all.
listenin to @ the moment: The Notwist - Consequence.. DL it, courtesy of Tracy, cuz she found this song while riding in a Campus Cruiser with BK.
Peter Yorn - On Your Side
J.Timberlake - Never Again
Thanks to Ry-Ry Migita, for uploading our AGC Talent Show Hip-HOp Dance Routine
Link: (cut n paste)
Mission: AGC Talent Show, Sun. May 4th, 2003, 6 PM, USC's Bovard Auditorium
Scenario: We'd beeen practicing hard for about a week and a half, for last night's performance. 16 of us Deltas decided to perform this dance together and whatta bonding experience it was. Yesterday's performance was full of deltalicious energy and high-spirirts. Thank you to all of those Deltas, DeltaHo's, DeltasFans, DeltaBitches(j/k), friends, family, ex-pledge sisters of all deltas..i.e. annette, cindy, xtina choi, michelle, andrea, (am i forgetting anyone else??) who can out to support Deltas. We love you!!!
Memories and Classic DPK Moments: Coach Grace, Costume Designer Sy.. a master with the sccissors, The sweat, tears, time sacraficed, laughs, bags of Teddy Grahams and Chex-Mix consumed, the scent of cheesy ranch Fritos Twists filling the air, ordering in Thai Food, learning to C-walk, Susan Park attempting to find Toilet Paper in Founders, Mell falling asleep smelling the nasty ass carpet in Founders, "washing the car" with our asses.. or was it hula-hooping, or was it what Kri10 said, "Wash it, Buff it, Wax it"--- with your butt, the spies, the group costume fittings, our Partridge Family trip to Big-Kmart Saturday night, 15 of us Asian girls, parading through being the only ASIANS in the entire store, on a mission to find 16 pairs of pants to match baby-blue tshirts, finally settling on $20 JOE BOXER cargos with these diagonal pockets and 8-ball inside pockets, Sy's over-sized cargos, Grace gettin yelled @ by disgruntled Kmart employees for "tresspassing" into the fittin rooms...cuz the fittin rooms apparently close @ 7 pm when the store doesnt close till 11. WTF!?!? Amy's ugly ass flowery costume she decided to model for us when we entered the store, finding white gym socks to use as arm gloves... "gym socks or fishnet stockings, guys?", Susan Park's body rolls, Mare's bad knee that needed icing, shelly's lucky XMAS socks, Hannah's ultimate ass shakin to Xtina, Emily's expert Wet'n'Wild blue eye shimmer, #203's salon's FLAT IRONS turned up to level 21 frying our hair...but dammmmn our hair looked good, singing Avril's Complicated in Topping and dancing to 50 Cent's In Da Club, doing our make-up together, pampering each other as we straighten each other's hair with the FLAT IRONS, using Jess' Watson's Blotting Paper, taking pics @ Tommy T, gettin looks on Jefferson and @ Burger King as strangers see 8 Deltas walkin around asking us why we were all dressed up and lookin good, Audrey sittin on GUM backstage..5 minutes before Call-Time, Ahree's "Uh! What!" Xtina move, Tracy droppin her pants so the world could see that DPK rocks yo' world. Do you understand now, why, DELTAS ROCK YO' WORLD? A week and a half, and soooo many memories to last a lifetime. Yall are my "No. 1!"
I love you, Deltas. Past. Present. Future. If you ain't down with us, you aint' down @ all.
listenin to @ the moment: The Notwist - Consequence.. DL it, courtesy of Tracy, cuz she found this song while riding in a Campus Cruiser with BK.
Peter Yorn - On Your Side
J.Timberlake - Never Again
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