Home of a Bon Vivant - definition: a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink) [syn: epicure, gourmet, gastronome, epicurean, foodie]
-A good fellow; a jovial companion; a free liver.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
"YAY! To wings...FOB style!"
Up close and personal with Mell and Jess! I love Melllll!!!!
The girls....again!
Monday, July 26, 2004
Pre-partying @ Wendy's in the city. (l-r) Annie, Shirley, B-day Girl Mell, Wendy, Cindy, Annette, and Jess. I had soo much fun!!! Take before everyone before everyone BUT shirley and jess throwin' up. heehee.
Jess imitating what sweatshop children must do to make handprints on these t-shirts from Urban Outfitters.
Instead of bday cake, Mell wanted a fulll plate of CHICKEN WINGS! It tastes even BETER than it loooks!
Mell and Jess take a bite outta the best CHINESE CHICKEN WINGS/DRUMSTICKS in TOWN!! BITE ME BITE ME!!!!
Jess, Cindy (both wearing matching J.CREW blue tanks!), Annette in her COWBOY jacket, and Caroline.
Wen, Shirley and Jess @ Sam Tung.
Mell and Jess pre-partying.
Mell and her Man Stephen @ Dinner. Dinnner was sooo GOOD!
Palos Verdes Girls rollin' deep - tryin' to all be Gang-STA! PV represents.
SC Girls know how to party! Annie is pickin' dinner out of her hair. heheh. jk.
I took a brief but incredibly memorable trip back upnorth this past weekend and now I'm back in LA....feeling bittersweet. Is that what life is mean to be?
Let's first recap the trip. Thursday afternoon, AFTER workin from 7am-4pm, Cin meets me @ my apt. so we can drive up north. After sittin in traffic for a good ---say 40 minutes, we're finally smoothe sailing upnorth on the 5 highway. We arrive at Mell's in Mountain View around 12 midnight in which my car smells like IN-n-Out from our pitstop in Kettlemen CIty. If you'd like to know, Cin scarfed down a hamburger and fries while jess inhaled a grilled cheese sandwich. Along the way the snacks we healthily consumed were a bag of Ritz Jalapeno Cheddar cracker sandwiches -- which Cin kindly selected @ the 76 gas station in LA when Jess told her to get, "Something exciting!" Exciting apparently = Jalapeno Cheddar cracker sandwiches. Who knew!?! Anyways, Cin also bought Sophisticated Trail MiX. I.E. no chocolate chips! Cin says they're bad for you so Jess pouted the entire ride upnorth. So FINALLY in MOUNTAIN VIEW, it takes us 5 minutes to find the entrance to Mell's apt. complex..
Once in, the whole complex is very pretty, and her 1-bedroom place is quite the bachelorette pad! Anyways, we hugged and reunionized after many months apart. The coolest part is that it was like time never passed... how amazing it is when we can reunite immediately feeling like it hadn't been a GAJILLION months since our last inperson visit. Cin and I kept Mell up even though Mell had work the next day. We caught up, made jokes, yada yada. It was gggreat. Then I skiddadled my way home to sleep in bed.
Friday was spent doing absolutely nothing and it was absolutely nice. Errands and such till Dinner @ the restaurant with Ma and Pa! Apparently dad was dining with all of his USF Grad SChool friends that evening @ the restaurant! It was so cute to see how funny they all are together. After eating for 3 hours, one of the friends invites everyone back to his place, and my parents drag me, the only YOUNG person along. I was cool, I had a good time. So from 930pm-130pm, I HUNG OUT with thes 50-sumthing's as my dad consumed a WHOLE BAG of fresh AT-HOME ROASTED PEANUTS as well as all these other snacks the host prepared! Grapes! Oranges! Madelines! Pistachios! Chexmix! Tea! Chinese Red Wine! It was seriously another meal. Anyways, again I hope in 30 years my college friends and I can be like that too. Be 50 and talk about chinese jokes, how people from China have so much cash on hand that as long as they're coming to America - house prices will never drop and that there will be a Chinese president in the future. To that - I say, are you shureeeee??????? It was funny though.
Sat. morning I brunched with my childhood friend Sandy. Visited her new place in Plesanton and the place is aweeeeeeesome and soooo cute! She got me this cute MAE tshirt and I got her a navy satin Clutch! I have since attempted to "destroy" the tshirt but i may have cut it a lil short so my fat handles may make an appearance in your neighborhood sooon. =) Brunch was sooo good @ Kathy's Korner in San Ramon and I met her pal's Dorothy and Jackie..who both went to Berkeley and who I later find out - my other friend knew from college. I missssssssssss Sandy - is the nutshell of the morning.
Quickly following brunch i had to take mom to go have LUNCH @ Banyan Gardens in Union City. Sooo much food I wanted to explode. It was cute eating with Mom's and the manager there loves us so we sat and talked to him and he decided to comp our meal. He's sooo sweet! If you ever go, say hello to Richie!
Sat. afternoon is when all the great festivities started! Met everyone for Mell's bday dinner in SF @ SAM TUNG's in the Sunset District for the best Chicken Wings in town! SOOO GOOD I vow to visit that place every time I go home. Someone must have a bday, rehearsal dinner, wedding banquet there just so I can eat the wings!!! It was SOOOOO SWWWEEET seeing alll my friends I haven't seen in ages, there were 12 of us @ dinner and we couldnt stop talking. WE ordered soo much food, drank soo much tsingtao beer, and inside I was just appreciating how good I have it too be in the company of these wonderful people.
Next stop after dinner was gettin ready @ Wendy's. Wendy was kind enough to provide a great location for us to get ready/preparty @. Annette brought tons of champagne from work, and about 8 of us primped. It was soo fun being girls, showing off cute undies, cute tops, cute make up, cute hair. Takin a bajillion pics and drinkin up. This is the life.
We then proceeded to take a taxi to HOLY COW ---total dive bar that was very much fun. Drank up the $3 dollar SOTB well drinks, and proceeded to watch EVERYONE get wasted and pukey --except Shirley and me. We rock! The girls dranks tons, the music was typical white music.. aka "girls just wanna have fun" some hip hop, more white music like GJWHF, and I basically spent the evening talkin to Mell's friend Specker who is very much cute and sweet. Mell was pukey and into the car by 1130pm, and the rest of us girls followed suit by 12am. WE are OLD and LAME. hehehehe...
Once back @ pre-party HQ, Annette and Mell continued worship porcelein god 1 and 2 while Sober Sally's Shirley and Jess made ramen for everyone. Everyone passed out for a bit by 2, Mell peeled herself away from toilet by 230, and few of us were up till 3am till everyone passed the F out. So concludes, Mell's 23rd Bday. hehehhe.