Right There I See You Lookin', Sure Hope That You're Not TookenOkay. Bad english. Bad ebonics with the "tooken". But I've realized, that's one of my favorite lyrics. Almost that it's the theme of my life. Or at least part of it. If you haven't figured it out, it's from the song Dance Tonight by Lucy Pearl. More importantly, it's from the movie Love and Basketball, one of my all-time favorite movies! With the themes of USC, basketball, USC, chick flickyness, beating all the odds, it's no wonder it's one of my faves.
Anyhow, as I stroll through this brilliant life of mine as a persistent single and fabulous person, saying no to anything subpar for me, I'm often caught seeing a cute/hot friendly gent and wondering whether or not he's taken. I love that moment when you see some new cute/sweet guy and you think to yourself, "I hope you're not taken. Please. Please. Please." It's a girly moment but I'm sure it happens to the boys as well.
Working retail, I see plenty of cute guys come through. A lot of that population obviously gay. But the other part, the straight boys, it's always a tough call figuring out if they're taken. I've perfected the 4th-finger glance - you know, if they have a wedding ring on and are off the market. I respect that but still, it's sad to realize that yall shoulda met first. Haha. But the ones with no rings, you get all excited about until their girlfriends walk over from the women's section into the men's section and you realize, "Sure hope that you're not tooken" has become "Another one bites the dust!" Buuuum-mer. =(
Regardless, for the few that are cute, sweet, and still single that walk through my retail world, I still won't be the one that does any asking out. I'm just that old-fashioned. I've heard my share of stories from other managers of how they met their husbands on the job when they were customers back in the day and they are all very cute stories. I'm not betting that I'm going to find him at work, but it's funny to entertain that idea in my brain that the next guy who walks through the door could just be a mutual digging connection.
Movin forward, as old-fashioned as I am, I'm not really gonna change my old-fashioned ways. I strictly adhere to the theory that if a boy wants you, he'll make an effort to hollar. Who the heck wants to be sloppy seconds?! A story I heard the other day was, ".....a boy took down her number, but isn't going to call right now, but will keep the number for the future, since he's currently dating someone right now". Uhh, are guys really stupid enough to do that?! Or are girls stupid enough to think that that's okay? Thankfully, my friend knows being 2nd fiddle is not okay, isn't her style and isn't one of those poor girls who think it's "GONNA HAPPEN" when it's not, it's silly how boys can be. I haven't read "He's Just Not That Into You" but I'm sure it all proves the same. Get over boys that aren't calling, aren't returning txt messages. Find someone that "worships" you and say "No!" to tools. At least in my case, he must make the first move and then it's fair game. Give me signs that you're interested. Until then, I'll just look cute and work my magic from the dugout. Play ball, fellas!