Saturday, February 01, 2003

....I almost forgot.......To those who do respond to teh previous entry with thoughts like: "Who is she kidding?", "She's too invovled with it!", "Is that her WHOLE life?", "Does she do anything else?", "What she's writing is sooo girly, soooo naive, soooo etc." I'll VALIDATE myself by saying that I go to school, I intern to pave way for my future career, I work @ J.CREW to make money, I do plenty of other things, so to rest-your-heart and keep your mind @ ease, I have another life outside of my "bubble". Any more questions, comments, concerns I can clarify for you?
Why don't "GUYS", or certain "GUYS" believe that ONE person can make a/the difference?

I live in this bubble. This bubble where everyone I need in my life are in this bubble. In this bubble, I feel safe, I trust what I say, do, feel, and think with all these people inside the bubble. Now how did I get the gift of being able to have this sacred bubble? You know who you are. Hint: I've spent 4 years in this.

Okay. Many people aren't as fortunate in their life to have what I have, to have experienced everything I have, and many people might listen to/read what I say here, and think, "Who is she kidding?", "She's too invovled with it!", "Is that her WHOLE life?", "Does she do anything else?", "What she's writing is sooo girly, soooo naive, soooo etc." But if you really know me, know what is truly dear to me, what values I hold sooo damn close to my heart, you'll know that what I say, is exactly what I feel, is exactly what I am, and if you can't respect that, it is TRULY your loss, and I only wish that you could EXPERIENCE something like this ONCE in your life. Only then, will you understand EVERYTHING.

Ok. back to How One Person Can Make A Difference. In this, "sorority" bubble, I've learned alot, been given alot, and I feel that it's my place to GIVE BACK, to INSPIRE, to LEAD, to MOTIVATE, and to truly step away from this after 4 years, giving everything I can give, so those strangers that will someday enter THIS world, will be given the most worthwhile experience and gift I have ever received. Now, do I think this because I'm a girl? Cuz I wonder, do guys think the same thing? Are they as appreciative, EVER, in their life of something like this? Cuz I know some guys have this, or THOUGHT that have this, or know that have this, but have lost this. Are guys as inquisitive, do they look deep within and truly see what they have right infront of them, and are tooo lazy, ignorant, and jaded to see a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY? I know I'm speaking hella vague. If only I had the balls to be BLATANT, in-your-face about what I'm talking about. If you're one of my gurls, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Nothing frustrates me more than seeing a group of people, sitting on a golden opportunity, not realizing how good of a gift they have, and they just sit there, thinking that the golden opportunity exists on its own, without need for care, nourishment. Someone once told me that "it's easy to be number one, the tough part is staying there." Many people tell me "practice what you preach." I, fore one, strive to stay number one, and i strive to practice what I preach. I know many people in my bubble that do the same. So how can I help make those in other lazy bubbles see how great their bubbles can be???

I think they can start by respecting each of their peeps in their bubble. Building a deeper relationship within that bubble. Everyone did the took the same journey in getting inside the bubble, so what makes you better than any of the others inside? Sure, everyone is in that bubble, and if there are any other perpetrating bubbles that come and punk on this bubble, those inside this bubble with join hands and fight the dickhead bubble....but are those inside this bubble there for each other on a daily basis, up-to-date in their lives? Sure you'll bust you balls for them, but how bout exercising that other part, the heart, the mind? Quit being a hardass, and start being a fellow member inside the damn bubble.

I see how great your bubble can be, I see that some of those inside of this bubble are losing heart, so I leave this entry, SCREAMING, HOPING for you to hear: "Everyone can make a difference, and within everyone, there's definitely one that CAN make the difference. Everyone else needs to stop being a jackass, and look towards the people that wish to make a positive change, to make improvements, to stop bitchin about everything that sucks. If you're gonna bitch, you best have a suggestion on how to make things better. Otherwise shut the hell up cuz you're bringing down everyone else. Words are like drugs. Drugs can improve the body. Hurt the body. Motivate the body. Infect a body. What you say can make things better..or make things worse. Move the mind and you'll move the heart....and you'll move towards the better direction in your bubble, in your life, in the life of the bubble.....if you only dare to care........"

"The power of speech has the same effect on the condition of the soul as the application of drugs to the state of bodies; for just as different drugs dispell different fluids from the body, and some bring an end to disease but others end life, so also some speeches cause pain, some pleasure, some fear; some instill courage, some drug and bewitch the soul with a kind of evil persuasion." --Gorgias' Encomium of Helen-------- I BEG YOU.. dare to care. within yourself. within in what group. within whatever organization. company. family. whatevers.

I know I'm talking all analogical, (is that even a word?), but I hope those I'm directing my message to, will read, and understand that I do truly care..DEEPLY, and hope minds with change, and minds will be motivated to make a difference in the world, in any way, shape, size, or form. It matters. To everyone. And if you need reassurance in making a move, a change for the better, I'll be the one there to encourage you to keep going. Make a difference. Get off your ass. Just give a S*it. Please?!?!