OK, I've been gone. I didn't know I was sooo gone since SEPTEMBER!!!
Ok, fan club, my loyal readers, the readers who yell at me for not having blogged recently! I'm flattered! So flattered! But the entry below, really inspired me to get back into the blogging spirit since it was such a Weird situation. Anyways, plenty has happened since my last EUROPA post. The biggest highlights have been going to Arizona to celebrate dual bdays - mine and Eirck's. It was incredibly fun with 2 of my greatest friends flying in with Pat and I to go see Kat, Danny, b-day boy Erick and their homegrown entourage in Scottsdale!
I don't celebrate in big ways very often since my idea of fun is rounding up some close friends to grab good grub, drink a bit, eat lots, share embarassing stories and laugh hysterically til the cows come home. I'm not a big fan of going to $100 NYE parties, waiting in line, waiting in the cold, waitint to get in, spending too much money on alcohol I barely drink(by choice and by consumption capability), and watching a bunch of fools puke their brains out. rollin deep is sizes of more than 10 - especially in groups of 30 or more, etc. Show me a mellow club, bring my groupies and doode, we'll have the best time of our lives!
Arizona was a lil Yellow Fever party. 7 Chens + a Lam + a Abellera + a Beng! = 11 asians in all with a ton of other white friends (danny's). We all celebrated much of the weekend together and it was crazy. Lobstahs, scotch, bourbon, garlic knots drunk Nick consumed and totally forgot eating (he ate all of them before they got home), soapdropping in the bathtub, drunken lap dances by Erick for me, lotsa Bloody Mary's, NO Carding Azn's Nite @ Crowne Room *dannny is good friends with the bouncer* [FYI.. i went to az to celebrate a bday, and stupid me forgets her DRIVER LICENSE at home in LA], had to play pass the Driver License at a bar, spa treatments, homemade guacamole and brie/grape quesadillas...and lotsa griling. Overalll, a great way to spend a bday.
All you important people have seen all the pics so I won't show yall again.. if you haven't seen them yet, hollar at me and I'll send you the ofoto link. The other tripmates have them all posted on their blogs anyways!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Do You Stop Traffic Like I Do?
Today I was @ The Grove with Pat at Anthropologie.....we were by the door cuz Pat was talkin to her ex-manager and i finally met the ex-manager and the three of us were engaged in a deep lighthearted discussion about where all of us are originally from. As we're talking, this black dude (dressed pretty professionally, i.e. non-ghetto..actually had an ironed button-down and slacks, shaved head, late 20s early 30s, still not my type though, sorry) came over and said..
UscJessC: "sorry to interrupt your discussion but i just had to come over and talk to you ladies because you (points to me)...whew.. im so nervous just talking...you could stop traffic....i'd really like to give you my card, and if you'd like, please give me a call Skesser: what?!?!?!
Skesser: NO WAY
UscJessC: yeah
UscJessC: he wasnt my kinda cute or anything
Skesser: what an ego boostUscJessC: but dooode.. hahah..UscJessC: totallySkesser: that's rad
UscJessC: i felt like a million bucks
UscJessC: i wouldnt date him
UscJessC: but it was nice..
UscJessC: the manager went over and told another customer this story about me stopping traffic
UscJessC: hahha
Skesser: hahaha- what a great feeling!
UscJessC: it was weird
UscJessC: and i must say.. his aprroach about leaving his card totally saves him from rejection
Skesser: ya- totally
Skesser: ha! i can't believe he interrupted the convo!
Skesser: the black men loooove the jess
conclusion: i wont be calling, but if you're a doode, that's the approach you should go for.. DROP THE CARD....that way the girl can't reject you..she only has to take the card. If she calls, SCORE! ...if she doesn't... the card prolly got stuck in the the laundry and melted away in her pocket. Either way, it doesn't hurt to drop the "you could stop traffic" line..........GENUINELY, jack@$$e$!
Today I was @ The Grove with Pat at Anthropologie.....we were by the door cuz Pat was talkin to her ex-manager and i finally met the ex-manager and the three of us were engaged in a deep lighthearted discussion about where all of us are originally from. As we're talking, this black dude (dressed pretty professionally, i.e. non-ghetto..actually had an ironed button-down and slacks, shaved head, late 20s early 30s, still not my type though, sorry) came over and said..
UscJessC: "sorry to interrupt your discussion but i just had to come over and talk to you ladies because you (points to me)...whew.. im so nervous just talking...you could stop traffic....i'd really like to give you my card, and if you'd like, please give me a call Skesser: what?!?!?!
Skesser: NO WAY
UscJessC: yeah
UscJessC: he wasnt my kinda cute or anything
Skesser: what an ego boostUscJessC: but dooode.. hahah..UscJessC: totallySkesser: that's rad
UscJessC: i felt like a million bucks
UscJessC: i wouldnt date him
UscJessC: but it was nice..
UscJessC: the manager went over and told another customer this story about me stopping traffic
UscJessC: hahha
Skesser: hahaha- what a great feeling!
UscJessC: it was weird
UscJessC: and i must say.. his aprroach about leaving his card totally saves him from rejection
Skesser: ya- totally
Skesser: ha! i can't believe he interrupted the convo!
Skesser: the black men loooove the jess
conclusion: i wont be calling, but if you're a doode, that's the approach you should go for.. DROP THE CARD....that way the girl can't reject you..she only has to take the card. If she calls, SCORE! ...if she doesn't... the card prolly got stuck in the the laundry and melted away in her pocket. Either way, it doesn't hurt to drop the "you could stop traffic" line..........GENUINELY, jack@$$e$!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

***Another inspired entry by the brillaint mind of BFF Mell.
First off, once again, I must apologize for the lack of entries. Blogging is a instinctual kinda extracurricular activity.....when I have an urge, I satisfy it. When I don't, I don't. I felt it was time...and boy has a lot happened since the last entry - I can't even remember when it was. In a nutshell.... Italy came and went: an incredible trip with 2 fantastic travel buddies eating tons of great food, seeing tons of great sights, and meddling with boys who had "other thoughts". But let's first get to YOUR THING. MY THING. OUR THING.
Mell's latest entry addressed how each person has a THING or not. THING being something unique about them that makes them them - "defines you, that makes you more interesting, or that guys really like about you(vice versa)." Well, Mell couldn't figure out what her thing was..... well I think I figured it out. The THING about Mell that's relative to me is that she makes me think deeper into subjects I might not normally think about. She makes me question stuff I previously believed in, my views on a certain subject which allows me to truly look at what I really think. She has the ability to inspire me to write these glorious entries.. to think more inquisitively into my life when I can't inspire myself to do so. And besides this inspirationaly ability..she's 1 part mellinsane like she mentioned tooo. Which is awesome!!!!! hahaha. I LOVE IT.
Our lil trip was wondeful thanks to 2 girls: the fabulous Mell and Angie. All the small talk about dirrrty stuff @ dinner -- WITH MANY OLD MEN at next table at many dinners trying to lean in and listen to what us girls had to say, giving names to our huge overloaded backpacks, coming up with a solid trip name (unanimous "3 Girls - No Hairbrush") , struggling to get to trains on time, struggling to decipher Italian, fending off boys, dealing with extreme Other People's B.O., holding onto our shoulderbags to prevent pickpocketing, dealing with insect bites, and experimenting with bidets for the first time (ok..that was just me). Life was great for 2 wonderful weeks.
Ok... Italia.... can only be seen in pictures and experienced on your own. All of you who have never been..need to go! I've been three times and I still love it. What's to love? The historical architecture! The Churches! The VINO -WINE! All the walking! All the gelato! All the FULL ON MEALS - antipasto...pasta...main...dessert....and LOTSA WINE! Wine is the same price as soda so we prolly consumed 12-14 bottles on the entire trip together. Book your ticket, request 2 weeks off, pack your bags, bring some friends and go have the time of your life!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Saturday, August 20, 2005
You Know It's A PHENOM BURGER When.....
Best burger ever! Do you have one? Cuz boy oh boy do I. Of course, burgers come in a few classifications: healthy, Triple Coronary Bypass, gourmet/bistro, basic, etc. Yesterday I think I almost died and went to heaven eating a burger in a class of its own: Houston's California Burger. This burger was recommended by a fellow foodie and dammmmmmn yall need to go have one for yourself. Coming in at a hefty but worthwhile $13 bucks, you get fresh ground roast patty, red onion, avocado, arugala, tomato, monterey jack, and honey-mustard spread with a side of shoestring fries. Being the GURL that I am, I added BACON of course. It's a pretty big honkin' burger but it goes down easy. I apologize for not having a picture but, hopefully, I can describe you a mental image that will rock your socks.
The burger comes: juicy, succulent, freshly ground, with fresh trimmings, incredible pure taste, and the bacon tops it off. And the true test of a burger: how good it tastes the next day after being nuked in the microwave...and this leftover half tasted like an awesome prime rib/steak. GQ Magazine (J.Simp issue) ranked this burger #6 on its list of Top 20 Burgers in America. Other LA joint, The Counter, was on there too, which I've had and falls into the "healthier" burger category I find. Great burgers there too, but Houston's, takes the cake for nothing too fancy, just pure, fresh, juicy, satisfying big honkin' burger.
So.. in conclusion, a quick re-cap of "You Know It's A PHENOM BURGER When..."
1. The patty is 3x's thicker than a pancake (Carl's, McD's, etc.). Clearly in a class of its own.
2.The meat tastes like it was just grounded in the kitchen and ooozes with juices
3. You take a bite and you can't help but get sauce, meat, juice, lettuce, tomato, avocado, arugala all over your mouth, chin, and face.
4. It's so big, girls like me have to eat it with a fork n knife. It wouldn't even get past Julia Robert's big mouth. Ok, it doesn't always have to be big but it's gotta be juicy.
5.You look at the menu and have an equally tough time deciding between Fork'n'Knife Ribs, Hawaiian Rib Eye, Prime Rib, Filet Mignon, CALIFORNIA BURGER. Cuz everything is so damn goood.
6. The burger tastes just as INSANE the next day after whirling through the microwave.
7. When you want to go back the next day and get another one.
Other Top Burgers EVER (no particular order)
1. Gourmet Bistro: Father's Office - you can only get it one way - your only choice factor: how you want the meat cooked
2.How Do You Want It Kinda Burger: The Counter - do it yourself, pick your own bun, toppings, fixings kinda burger. Great the next day too! Their milkshakes are suppose to be the best out there, don't ask me, cuz I'm lactose-intolerant. =)
3. Fast Food: In-n-Out by a mile.
4. Triple Bypass: Johnny Rocket's - this can be easily dethroned if you have a great recommendation for me. But when I say Triple Bypass I mean.. getting the burger with bacon, onion rings, side of 1/2 fries/onion rings, root beer float, and apple pie a la mode. SHARED of course.
So there. Get yourself a burger and get busy!
Best burger ever! Do you have one? Cuz boy oh boy do I. Of course, burgers come in a few classifications: healthy, Triple Coronary Bypass, gourmet/bistro, basic, etc. Yesterday I think I almost died and went to heaven eating a burger in a class of its own: Houston's California Burger. This burger was recommended by a fellow foodie and dammmmmmn yall need to go have one for yourself. Coming in at a hefty but worthwhile $13 bucks, you get fresh ground roast patty, red onion, avocado, arugala, tomato, monterey jack, and honey-mustard spread with a side of shoestring fries. Being the GURL that I am, I added BACON of course. It's a pretty big honkin' burger but it goes down easy. I apologize for not having a picture but, hopefully, I can describe you a mental image that will rock your socks.
The burger comes: juicy, succulent, freshly ground, with fresh trimmings, incredible pure taste, and the bacon tops it off. And the true test of a burger: how good it tastes the next day after being nuked in the microwave...and this leftover half tasted like an awesome prime rib/steak. GQ Magazine (J.Simp issue) ranked this burger #6 on its list of Top 20 Burgers in America. Other LA joint, The Counter, was on there too, which I've had and falls into the "healthier" burger category I find. Great burgers there too, but Houston's, takes the cake for nothing too fancy, just pure, fresh, juicy, satisfying big honkin' burger.
So.. in conclusion, a quick re-cap of "You Know It's A PHENOM BURGER When..."
1. The patty is 3x's thicker than a pancake (Carl's, McD's, etc.). Clearly in a class of its own.
2.The meat tastes like it was just grounded in the kitchen and ooozes with juices
3. You take a bite and you can't help but get sauce, meat, juice, lettuce, tomato, avocado, arugala all over your mouth, chin, and face.
4. It's so big, girls like me have to eat it with a fork n knife. It wouldn't even get past Julia Robert's big mouth. Ok, it doesn't always have to be big but it's gotta be juicy.
5.You look at the menu and have an equally tough time deciding between Fork'n'Knife Ribs, Hawaiian Rib Eye, Prime Rib, Filet Mignon, CALIFORNIA BURGER. Cuz everything is so damn goood.
6. The burger tastes just as INSANE the next day after whirling through the microwave.
7. When you want to go back the next day and get another one.
Other Top Burgers EVER (no particular order)
1. Gourmet Bistro: Father's Office - you can only get it one way - your only choice factor: how you want the meat cooked
2.How Do You Want It Kinda Burger: The Counter - do it yourself, pick your own bun, toppings, fixings kinda burger. Great the next day too! Their milkshakes are suppose to be the best out there, don't ask me, cuz I'm lactose-intolerant. =)
3. Fast Food: In-n-Out by a mile.
4. Triple Bypass: Johnny Rocket's - this can be easily dethroned if you have a great recommendation for me. But when I say Triple Bypass I mean.. getting the burger with bacon, onion rings, side of 1/2 fries/onion rings, root beer float, and apple pie a la mode. SHARED of course.
So there. Get yourself a burger and get busy!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Tonight, aka 12:52am, I have an incredibly feeling of renewed faith. In myself. My sisters. My brother. My Parents. My Family. I won't get into specifics but it's a renewed, refreshing faith in my family with the kind of business we are pursuing together. As we venture into a business that isn't your typical kosher 9-6 Let's Work for the Man sort, I'm so proud of my younger sister and my brother. They've been in Taiwan for the past month(Wei) or 2 weeks (Bee) and have been able to grasp a lot of what I haven't been able to leave my work to experience. I've never seen my sister so passionate about anything other than fashion and I've never seen my brother take something so seriously other than VIDEO GAMES/X-Box and sports. T
hey've been in Asia to brush up and to learn new ways/methods or succeeding in our family business. The family business is a relatively vague term but it's about all of us, Patriarch, matriarch, bro and sisses uniting together to see all of us succeeding. And little do most people know, much is this business is about helping others succeed in order for you to succeed. It's nothing that will get you instant wealth, this is a project that takes careful work, passion, and good heart, and the ability to communicate how this can change your life to. Whether it's products, vitamins, nutrition, make-up, it's not about making a dime off of you but money is exchanged along the way as it is a business, but it's about you seeing that there might be something else out there better for you to keep you living longer and happier. I'll get into the nitty gritty of the business later when we have it up-n-running on all cylinders.. I'd rather save the pass-judgments some people might have about being independent business owners in sales for another time.
In life much of what we succeed best are things done together and for now, this is our fate and we refuse to fail. I'm a rational person and I see things pretty clearly, so keep the faith peeps, and keep that faith in us too. Chen family says Xie-Xie! =)
P.S. My lil brother starts COLLEGE on Wednesday and I'm soooo excited for him! WAHHHH! He's growing up and I don't want him tooo!!!
Tonight, aka 12:52am, I have an incredibly feeling of renewed faith. In myself. My sisters. My brother. My Parents. My Family. I won't get into specifics but it's a renewed, refreshing faith in my family with the kind of business we are pursuing together. As we venture into a business that isn't your typical kosher 9-6 Let's Work for the Man sort, I'm so proud of my younger sister and my brother. They've been in Taiwan for the past month(Wei) or 2 weeks (Bee) and have been able to grasp a lot of what I haven't been able to leave my work to experience. I've never seen my sister so passionate about anything other than fashion and I've never seen my brother take something so seriously other than VIDEO GAMES/X-Box and sports. T
hey've been in Asia to brush up and to learn new ways/methods or succeeding in our family business. The family business is a relatively vague term but it's about all of us, Patriarch, matriarch, bro and sisses uniting together to see all of us succeeding. And little do most people know, much is this business is about helping others succeed in order for you to succeed. It's nothing that will get you instant wealth, this is a project that takes careful work, passion, and good heart, and the ability to communicate how this can change your life to. Whether it's products, vitamins, nutrition, make-up, it's not about making a dime off of you but money is exchanged along the way as it is a business, but it's about you seeing that there might be something else out there better for you to keep you living longer and happier. I'll get into the nitty gritty of the business later when we have it up-n-running on all cylinders.. I'd rather save the pass-judgments some people might have about being independent business owners in sales for another time.
In life much of what we succeed best are things done together and for now, this is our fate and we refuse to fail. I'm a rational person and I see things pretty clearly, so keep the faith peeps, and keep that faith in us too. Chen family says Xie-Xie! =)
P.S. My lil brother starts COLLEGE on Wednesday and I'm soooo excited for him! WAHHHH! He's growing up and I don't want him tooo!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Hallelujah... A Chen Sister Will Be Back Shortly!
So Chen #3 will be rejoining Chen HQ here in LA on Monday! Yay! I don't have to be all alone anymore! This month away from either Chen sister has been same ol' same ol'. You figure I'd be able to live up these 30 days doing something, doing something crazy, but no, I work. I sleep. I cook. I eat. I go to the gym. I see my friends a few times a week. I watch my 6 ft Under. My Food Network. A rather "normal" life. Remember all the talk about RTB? Well I partook in some RTB.... but as RTB 2005 rolls into the last 1/3 of the year, we're in the final stretch. I must put the pedal to the metal and steamroll into 2006 like it's nobody's biznatch.
The few noteworthy Stage 1 RTB events were cool but they never really got outta first gear. There was the boy from Cinespace who was awfully swell at the time, the Vegas Boy Mell felt like she should hook me up with who turned out to be way younger than me, and not to mention, MELL GOT HIS NAME WRONG, which I figured out after the fact when I called him the wrong name on the RTB phone call, meeting a foodie here and there... the Navy SEALS who turned out to be younger than ALL the Chen Sisters, etc. etc. The remaining 2005 and the new 2006 will have to be about longevity and consistency. We'll give it a shot.
And to add to that, being old-fashioned gets you NO WHERE. I'm not saying that I'm turning in my Badge of Being Old Fashioned, but maybe it's time to Carpe Diem and just seize the day and ask boys out? On second thought. Maybe only when I'm in Smalltown, USA, where I can do that, and if I get rejection, they'll never see me again. Hahah. I dunno what I'm talkin bout here anymore.
But as these 30 days without a Chen concludes, a few self-realization moments:
1. I don't think I ever want to live by myself i.e. I will either have to find a elligble bf, live with my sister forever, get a couple puppies, or a cat and be a spinster. KIDDING. God, I hope it doesn't happen.
2. Europe is only a month away and British Airways workers are on strike halting all flights through tomorrow. (This concerns me cuz we're flying BA)
3. I've fallen asleep to Food Network for the past 5 days.
4. I need to get out more
5. I need new hobbies
6. http://trent.blogspot.com is GREAT for celeb photos ...for you to feel better about your self........cuz you don't have the world seeing your cellulite, seeing you trashed, seeing you picking your nose, seeing you at your worst. Thank gawd I'm a normal civilian.
Sorry for the boring entry. I'll think of something great next week.
So Chen #3 will be rejoining Chen HQ here in LA on Monday! Yay! I don't have to be all alone anymore! This month away from either Chen sister has been same ol' same ol'. You figure I'd be able to live up these 30 days doing something, doing something crazy, but no, I work. I sleep. I cook. I eat. I go to the gym. I see my friends a few times a week. I watch my 6 ft Under. My Food Network. A rather "normal" life. Remember all the talk about RTB? Well I partook in some RTB.... but as RTB 2005 rolls into the last 1/3 of the year, we're in the final stretch. I must put the pedal to the metal and steamroll into 2006 like it's nobody's biznatch.
The few noteworthy Stage 1 RTB events were cool but they never really got outta first gear. There was the boy from Cinespace who was awfully swell at the time, the Vegas Boy Mell felt like she should hook me up with who turned out to be way younger than me, and not to mention, MELL GOT HIS NAME WRONG, which I figured out after the fact when I called him the wrong name on the RTB phone call, meeting a foodie here and there... the Navy SEALS who turned out to be younger than ALL the Chen Sisters, etc. etc. The remaining 2005 and the new 2006 will have to be about longevity and consistency. We'll give it a shot.
And to add to that, being old-fashioned gets you NO WHERE. I'm not saying that I'm turning in my Badge of Being Old Fashioned, but maybe it's time to Carpe Diem and just seize the day and ask boys out? On second thought. Maybe only when I'm in Smalltown, USA, where I can do that, and if I get rejection, they'll never see me again. Hahah. I dunno what I'm talkin bout here anymore.
But as these 30 days without a Chen concludes, a few self-realization moments:
1. I don't think I ever want to live by myself i.e. I will either have to find a elligble bf, live with my sister forever, get a couple puppies, or a cat and be a spinster. KIDDING. God, I hope it doesn't happen.
2. Europe is only a month away and British Airways workers are on strike halting all flights through tomorrow. (This concerns me cuz we're flying BA)
3. I've fallen asleep to Food Network for the past 5 days.
4. I need to get out more
5. I need new hobbies
6. http://trent.blogspot.com is GREAT for celeb photos ...for you to feel better about your self........cuz you don't have the world seeing your cellulite, seeing you trashed, seeing you picking your nose, seeing you at your worst. Thank gawd I'm a normal civilian.
Sorry for the boring entry. I'll think of something great next week.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I Can't Even Remember The Last Time I Blogg'd
When I can't remember when I blogged last, it has prolly been a VERY long time or because of LACK OF interesting/shocking/fun/good food in my life. So let me think realllly hard, think realllly deep and come up with some good stuff from the psykadelik place called my mind. Hopefully, I'll have some funny stuff for yall to laugh at, giggle to, sympathize with or jog your mindcells a bit! Ya ready?!
*I remember that I got walked in on Peeing @ Cabo Cantina
So some"krew"er's and I decide to go happy hour @ Cabo Cantina. After ordering up a storm before the 8pm cut-off, Jess is obviously a drink past RED = the seal must be broken. Sometimes mother nature doesn't give you a very wide window from "I should go pee" to "Shit! I pee'd in my pants" and when nature calls, Jess says, HELLLLO! Instead of waiting patiently in line for the Lil' Girl's Room, I b-line into the Men's Single/One-stall Restroom. Zip in, lock the door, squat!
As I'm squatting luxuriously (girl's, you know how it is!) oooh'ing and ahhing and the feeling of total relief, I hear the door being jiggled -----BAM! I'm peeing and here comes 20-something Black man all "deer-in-the-headlights", and I go, "OH SHIT!" and he goes, "Oh god!" as I continue to pee (once you start, you really can't stop) He shuts the door obviously and I'm part mortified. Duh. LUCKY for me, no frontal peep show was presented... only side view of the thunder thighs! Whew!!! =) Anyways, I think I'm home free as I strut back to the table with my sexy emptied bladder, and BAM! Who's at the table next to us? PEEPING TOM..... telling his friends the restroom story! To ease the blow, I of course, hollar @ him with full confidence, "The Restroom is free now!" (smile). So yeah, did you like that story?!?!
Man, I was so juiced at typing the above story I feel like I'm outta creative funny vibes. Hmmm.
*I'm missin' my gurls!
Lonely In Los Angeles is my handle for 2 more weeks =( Sister Pat is overseas, Kat is back in AZ and I hate not having my staple Chen's around. BOOOO Flippin' HOOO! After careful analysis and recollection of my childhood/youth/teenagedom/collegehood, I've come to realize that I've been single this long cuz I've always had my sorority sisters , best friend Mell and/or theKat-Pat around to keep my company over the years. I've really never had a period of time to even comprehend a need to go out and find some Placeholder to be a bf. I'm not saying that I'm in some zone where I feel that I should outreach and find a bf, but I must say, the feeling of loneliness is definitely more pronounced without the Kat-Pat here to slow the blow. Maybe the day has come when invincible Jess is no longer! Jk. I'm still here... just slightly...innnntsy weentsy a lil more aware that I'm lonely once in a while. There I said it. Blech. Anyways, I've got my solid gurls to keep my company through the forever dry spell so ..........the band plays on! Doo-dooo doo!!!!
*J-Date in the HIZZZ-OUSE!
Okay, I'm not on J-Date but my friend S is trying to get me to sign up. She says it's time. =). I don't necessarily have to join the dating service of choice by the Chosen Ones but something similar to it since I'm not from the House of J. I must admit, I've been firmly against the whole online dating thing, but you know, the world couldn't possibly get drier. Don't get me wrong, I totally believe there are decent guys out there.... they just aren't crossing paths with me.....we're probably not even on the same wavelength.... hahh... but hey, I think he's out there. I'm in no hurry to get hitched, build a house, bake buns in the oven (pun here, peeps) or "Cater 4 U" as Destiny's Child calls it, but I'd like some reassurance that I'm actually connecting with a solid and funny man! By connecting I mean, reciprocity! That's honestly, half the battle outside of being able to tolerate their company. =) Ok, I think I drifted from the initial topic! Ok, so I told my friend S, by my bday this year, I'll let her sign me up for her online choice, for her sake. And maybe, a lil mine. Might as well broaden the horizons...even if it is to the next galaxy cuz whatever world I'm living in right now....yes, that's right, the retail work world where every guy is either gay, too into himself, or an aspiring actor/model (not my match), there's not exactly a soulmate in sight. I will gladly sign up for whatever other options are out there.
The one ray of boy-related sunshine from this weekend though, I met a boy who's a big FOODIE just like me! Yay! When a guy knows what OAXACAN food is, you know he's a CERTIFIED SOLID FOODIE....(or OAXACAN himself)! DING DING DING!
When I can't remember when I blogged last, it has prolly been a VERY long time or because of LACK OF interesting/shocking/fun/good food in my life. So let me think realllly hard, think realllly deep and come up with some good stuff from the psykadelik place called my mind. Hopefully, I'll have some funny stuff for yall to laugh at, giggle to, sympathize with or jog your mindcells a bit! Ya ready?!
*I remember that I got walked in on Peeing @ Cabo Cantina
So some"krew"er's and I decide to go happy hour @ Cabo Cantina. After ordering up a storm before the 8pm cut-off, Jess is obviously a drink past RED = the seal must be broken. Sometimes mother nature doesn't give you a very wide window from "I should go pee" to "Shit! I pee'd in my pants" and when nature calls, Jess says, HELLLLO! Instead of waiting patiently in line for the Lil' Girl's Room, I b-line into the Men's Single/One-stall Restroom. Zip in, lock the door, squat!
As I'm squatting luxuriously (girl's, you know how it is!) oooh'ing and ahhing and the feeling of total relief, I hear the door being jiggled -----BAM! I'm peeing and here comes 20-something Black man all "deer-in-the-headlights", and I go, "OH SHIT!" and he goes, "Oh god!" as I continue to pee (once you start, you really can't stop) He shuts the door obviously and I'm part mortified. Duh. LUCKY for me, no frontal peep show was presented... only side view of the thunder thighs! Whew!!! =) Anyways, I think I'm home free as I strut back to the table with my sexy emptied bladder, and BAM! Who's at the table next to us? PEEPING TOM..... telling his friends the restroom story! To ease the blow, I of course, hollar @ him with full confidence, "The Restroom is free now!" (smile). So yeah, did you like that story?!?!
Man, I was so juiced at typing the above story I feel like I'm outta creative funny vibes. Hmmm.
*I'm missin' my gurls!
Lonely In Los Angeles is my handle for 2 more weeks =( Sister Pat is overseas, Kat is back in AZ and I hate not having my staple Chen's around. BOOOO Flippin' HOOO! After careful analysis and recollection of my childhood/youth/teenagedom/collegehood, I've come to realize that I've been single this long cuz I've always had my sorority sisters , best friend Mell and/or theKat-Pat around to keep my company over the years. I've really never had a period of time to even comprehend a need to go out and find some Placeholder to be a bf. I'm not saying that I'm in some zone where I feel that I should outreach and find a bf, but I must say, the feeling of loneliness is definitely more pronounced without the Kat-Pat here to slow the blow. Maybe the day has come when invincible Jess is no longer! Jk. I'm still here... just slightly...innnntsy weentsy a lil more aware that I'm lonely once in a while. There I said it. Blech. Anyways, I've got my solid gurls to keep my company through the forever dry spell so ..........the band plays on! Doo-dooo doo!!!!
*J-Date in the HIZZZ-OUSE!
Okay, I'm not on J-Date but my friend S is trying to get me to sign up. She says it's time. =). I don't necessarily have to join the dating service of choice by the Chosen Ones but something similar to it since I'm not from the House of J. I must admit, I've been firmly against the whole online dating thing, but you know, the world couldn't possibly get drier. Don't get me wrong, I totally believe there are decent guys out there.... they just aren't crossing paths with me.....we're probably not even on the same wavelength.... hahh... but hey, I think he's out there. I'm in no hurry to get hitched, build a house, bake buns in the oven (pun here, peeps) or "Cater 4 U" as Destiny's Child calls it, but I'd like some reassurance that I'm actually connecting with a solid and funny man! By connecting I mean, reciprocity! That's honestly, half the battle outside of being able to tolerate their company. =) Ok, I think I drifted from the initial topic! Ok, so I told my friend S, by my bday this year, I'll let her sign me up for her online choice, for her sake. And maybe, a lil mine. Might as well broaden the horizons...even if it is to the next galaxy cuz whatever world I'm living in right now....yes, that's right, the retail work world where every guy is either gay, too into himself, or an aspiring actor/model (not my match), there's not exactly a soulmate in sight. I will gladly sign up for whatever other options are out there.
The one ray of boy-related sunshine from this weekend though, I met a boy who's a big FOODIE just like me! Yay! When a guy knows what OAXACAN food is, you know he's a CERTIFIED SOLID FOODIE....(or OAXACAN himself)! DING DING DING!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

And then we have to party of course! Thin/Onyx ...smelled like sewage, but otherwise cool. And the rooftop bar/lounge on top of the W. Comes equipped with WARM SAND!!!!!!! and FIRE PIT! And Cabanas! And we met 3 Navy SEALS... HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's one of 'em! Heehee! (after a few drinks of course)

SAN DIEGO, I luvvvv ya!
Who knew San Diego could be such a blast!!? Rollin' with Danny, Kat, Pat and Nick down to SD for the weekend was quite the treat. Loaded up in Green Machine, packed our clothes and off we went with Beef Jerky in hand!
If you want to stay @ a aweeesome place in SD, stay @ the W San Diego! Recently I got the Starwood Preferred Guest Platinum Amex credit card and it's the best thing since sliced bread! You get points for all Starwood hotels (W's, St. Regis, Sheratons, Westins all around the world) and you can transfer for miles or do Cash and Points for hotels. It's awesome. Best deal ever!!
W of San Diego was particularly great cuz they have a conciege service called Whatever/Whenever and to sum it up: they'll make any request/wish happen. They have such pull with restaurants and clubs in the area ---- places where locals have to wait a hour to 1.5 hours, we didn't even have to wait. Our names to the top of the list on arrival!
Friday, July 01, 2005
So today is July 1st and I feel like Summer Part 1 is already overs. Summer only started last week but much has changed and finished already with July and August still yet to bloom. Summer Part 1 is over because sister Kat's 3-month sabatical to LA concluded today which means sister Pat is back from her 3-month sabatical in EUrOpA! and Summer in retail ends now with Fall rollin' in when the weather just started to get HOT HOT HOT.
Kat's stay here has been better than expected. She's a fabulous roommate so if anyone ever needs one, and if she's ever available (which she prolly won't be), definitely swipe her up. But what a pleasant person to live with! Responsible, clean, tidy, cooks, etc.! Anyways, it was fun brunching every week, making dinner, going out for dinner, getting lots and lots of coffee, much Peet's, discovering great cheese danishes, and exploring LA! Too bad she is now back to AZ with her other Chen's! Boo-hoo.
3 months of Summer clothing in the store has been great! Fall though, I'd say, is J.Crew's best season of clothing so I look forward to all the great preppy stuff!
This week we also Tea'd @ Bel Air Hotel! It was super elegant, sat in the terrace and it was a perfect day outside! The hotel itself is lodged in the hills above Westwood in Bel-Air. The whole hotel is so nicely tucked away in the hills that the LA traffic doesn't even exist. Fine china! Buttery Currant Scones!Beautiful weather! All n All... FABULOUS...with a side of NANCY REGAN! She was doing an interview (Kat and I concluded). Anyways, doing afternoon isn't cheap, but is a girly luxury every gal should do with her girlfriends every once in a while! SEE PICS.
Other food highlights include FATHER'S OFFICE in Santa Monica...best burger I think I've ever had. SEE PIC below. Washed down with beer, ale, cider, and their fries, GOSH DARN, are GOOOD too!
ALCOVE cafe in SILVERLAKE was amazing too. Look it up, it's like an URTH but not as "health nut."
So today is July 1st and I feel like Summer Part 1 is already overs. Summer only started last week but much has changed and finished already with July and August still yet to bloom. Summer Part 1 is over because sister Kat's 3-month sabatical to LA concluded today which means sister Pat is back from her 3-month sabatical in EUrOpA! and Summer in retail ends now with Fall rollin' in when the weather just started to get HOT HOT HOT.
Kat's stay here has been better than expected. She's a fabulous roommate so if anyone ever needs one, and if she's ever available (which she prolly won't be), definitely swipe her up. But what a pleasant person to live with! Responsible, clean, tidy, cooks, etc.! Anyways, it was fun brunching every week, making dinner, going out for dinner, getting lots and lots of coffee, much Peet's, discovering great cheese danishes, and exploring LA! Too bad she is now back to AZ with her other Chen's! Boo-hoo.
3 months of Summer clothing in the store has been great! Fall though, I'd say, is J.Crew's best season of clothing so I look forward to all the great preppy stuff!
This week we also Tea'd @ Bel Air Hotel! It was super elegant, sat in the terrace and it was a perfect day outside! The hotel itself is lodged in the hills above Westwood in Bel-Air. The whole hotel is so nicely tucked away in the hills that the LA traffic doesn't even exist. Fine china! Buttery Currant Scones!Beautiful weather! All n All... FABULOUS...with a side of NANCY REGAN! She was doing an interview (Kat and I concluded). Anyways, doing afternoon isn't cheap, but is a girly luxury every gal should do with her girlfriends every once in a while! SEE PICS.
Other food highlights include FATHER'S OFFICE in Santa Monica...best burger I think I've ever had. SEE PIC below. Washed down with beer, ale, cider, and their fries, GOSH DARN, are GOOOD too!
ALCOVE cafe in SILVERLAKE was amazing too. Look it up, it's like an URTH but not as "health nut."
Sunday, June 26, 2005
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