Monday, September 20, 2004

What You Can Tell About A Person From Their Shopping Cart..or LAC therof....I>E. Basket or Hands: Entry Inspired by Mell's Blog.

So I read Mell's blog this evening... a very frequent and joyful part of my week and I read about her going to the store and buying groceries. While at the store she also saw what bachelor's buy- and I laugh. HAR. HAR. HAR. Cuz isn't darn ironic that I had a similar encounter @ Ralph's a month ago of similar theme.

First, let's define BACHELOR GROCER(Y) or once in a lifetime, (IES) : a random select grouping of items, definitely 10 or less, to get into the EXPRESS line, consisting of BEER, BEER, HUNGRY-MAN FROZEN DINNERS, RAMEN, BETTY CROCKER POTATOES from a BOX, CHIPS and POWER BARS.

BACHELOR GROCERY is something Jess does not know. Why is that? Because Grocery-Man at Ralph's asked me, "Do you cook?" and I said, "Of course! That's what all of this is for." And what is "THIS" you ask? A bountiful combination of tons of vegetables, fresh salmon, beef, chicken, spices and fruits. Ya know, REAL PEOPLE FOOD. Grocery-Man goes, "Cause normally I see young people like you buy frozen dinners, ramen and pasta." And I respond, "Definitely not."

So what I deduce from all of this is that you can definitely tell what kinda lifestyle a person lives by what they have in their shopping cart/basket. Junk food = couch potato or non-cook? Beer, beer, beer, Hungry-man frozen dinners = frat boy? Sausage, bacon, steak, chicken = Atkin's dieter? Water, diet coke, grapes and rice cakes = anorexic? I think so.

Lastly, to help the world I'll extend everyone that reads this my genuine helping hand and let you know that if you ever need simple, hearty recipes....hollaback.

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