Wednesday, November 10, 2004


So I spent the early evenin' having a pancake supper with my childhood friend Sandy. Funny how with some people in your much as time're friendship is still very much in tact as if time never passed. Love those friends and those types of friendships! Ok. Well she's went all healthy on me and got the egg white garden omelette with a side of pancakes (for me) and I got the chicken fajita omelette with the hash browns and toast. HELLA GOOD @ IHOP. You MUST go.

Anyways, while chowin down on all my glory of carbs and omelette we discussed life, love, work, life, entrepreneurship, life, love, boys, subpar boys, construction boys, lame girls we know who get innocent ugly rich boys to fall in love with them and exploit their affection and their money and when certain events will ever happen to us. Loved it. It was great! And I finally gave her this bracelet that says, "ROCKS" on it after 8 months. I made the bracelet for her 8 months ago in taiwan and I kept forgetting to give it to her when i came back to norcal or when she came to LA. I'm lame. But she got it and she played my bf, and paid for my omelette. Sandy is great.

Anyways, today's parting thoughts: life is a pain in the arse. Happiness is your own responsibility. Start saving and investing. Some people can buy houses @ age 23, 24 because they HAVE HELP while some of us aren't as fortunate to have that, and that's okay: we've only been outta college for a year. Take classes just to learn..may it be helpful or an interest as long as you're learning. I feel bad for exploited boys but hey, POOP on them for their blindness and their stupidity for falling for lame girls, POOP on vicious girls who do that to them, and, lastly, as the BLACK EYED PEAS say it, "Where is the love?"

G'nite, all.

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