Saturday, February 12, 2005

Valentine's Day? What's that?!?! When's that??!

A look at a "holiday" from the view of Glass Full and Glass Empty:

What does V-day mean for a "girl": a day outta the year to be shown an extra dose of love/affection/appreciation from her special slice of bread..her MAN...regardless of the fact that it's a commercial flower/chocolates holiday.

What does V-day mean for a "guy": a day outta the year monopolized by florists and chocolatiers swindling lovelorn men outta alotta cheddar when a guy just wants to be lazy and do just enough to get by. (FYI:To this.. I say... BOYS SUCK. Get real. Step it up. PUHLEASE. Just a lil bit. Enough to get by is NOT ENOUGH.)

This is just the way it is. Don't think you're special if you fall into these categories or not. Accept that V-day is just this and don't dissapoint anyone and fail to show up with a lil thoughtful expression of appreciation.

Ok. So I don't expect boys to pull out the stop and get a girl bling from Tiffany's and overpriced LV dog carriers/purses/etc. So, those of you out there reading this, we're not asking for the mooon. This entry is really just a message to put a lil thought into 2/14 as a way for your girl to REALLLLY THINK YOU'RE SOMETHING SPECIAL x 5 ---- cuz you actually tried. On this day, whatever good thing you say or do is registered as MUCH MORE IMPORTANT. aka HIGH IMPORTANCE. So think of this as a SUPER BONUS POINTS DAY for you.

I never figured it was THAT hard for a person to think of a way to make another person feel special - whether romantic or not, whether it's V-day or not.. What person doesn't like to hear that someone thought of them, got them something just cause... i.e. a cup coffee, a scone, a slice of pizza, a magazine, a snail-mail card, a beer! Everyone loves a lil simple indulgence!

It's the little things that count. If that person is of any worth in your life, don't be afraid to show a lil sumthing sumthing once in a while...cuz if that other person is worth it in general, the service will be returned tenfold anyways.

Whether it's the day before V-day, V-day, or 10 days after V-day... if you care, show it... but not just enough to get by.........GO BIG or GO HOME.

As for the single peeps such as myself, V-day has never existed in a way that included a valentine in my life. Maybe I'm a loser, maybe not, buy any way you cut it, ...let those people in love be in love... who can poop on love being celebrated. I'm not gonna say I'm not envious of those that actually have it, cuz, from what I hear, love's real great --- but enough of us single peeps being Sad Sally. Let's just set our karma wheel a rollin' a say cheers to love...may it be as cyclical as bad luck and good luck ---what goes around, comes around. There's always the hope of something's out there. Somewhere. =)

Anyways, in a nutshell, if you're in love - in a r-ship, whatever --- go big or go home. And if you're single. Enjoy all your glory. You're better off spending the day with your tiVo -- and can save yourself from the dissapointment from your cheap/thoughtless bf who thinks taking you out to a steak dinner at the local Sizzler and tacking on the All-you-can-eat Salad Bar and getting the waitress to throw in a few extra slices of Cheese Toast is going the extra mile on V-day.

1 comment:

m@ said...

I bought you a burrito.