Monday, June 06, 2005

You Know You're On A Road Trip to and fro SF with Jess and Kat When....

1. Cheetos and Diet Coke are the chosen Energy Snacks - a bag of CRUNCHY cheeddary cheetos... no puffs, no flamin' hot, no natural...just pure CHEEETOS FINGA PLEASURE! And 2 ice cold DC's! *chug chug*
2. Kat bitch*s that the Jess selected music is tooo slow to drive to in which we decided, music is always driver's choice. In which Kat selects a NATALIE MERCHANT song. She's infamous for non-slow music right? Puh-lease.
3. The weekend is packed with a million planned events: i.e. Fri-Sat --->arrive, hit the mall, hit dinner with dad, hit the graduation mass, hit the bar/louge in SF to meet up with our PEEEEEEPPPS, hit up the pizza place next door to alpha bar. sleep. baby shower. cook. union street street fair (i.e. eat and DRINK @ MORE bars), meet up friends for TAPAS in SF, iron dad's clothes for graduation. sleep. graduation. lunch. drive back to la. Ok. nuff of the play-by-play.
4. The highlights of the trip involve FOOD. FOOD. and possibly more FOOD.
5. You make it a purpose to meet up with your own best friends and make all the best friends of the Chen's hangout together.
6. Get honks from truckers on the 5. =) Allllways a pleasure.

*I'll add some pics soon!*

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