To sum up the last couple of months, here are a slewwww of pictures for you to catch up with on my wonderful life. Highlights include me entering age 26 with a Surprise B-day Dinner at SPRUCE in SF (Thanks to Daj/Lib/Mell for the DL orchestration of the dinner - so sly that Sydney Bristow would get a run for her money!) and a visit from sister Wei from LA. Hopefully you can enjoy the pics as much as we enjoyed being in the moments!
Highlights from SPRUCE (11/25/2007)
Attendees: Kat, Liberty, Mell+Oggie =Meoggie, and Cassie. And Me of course.
The Plot: Kat dragging me out for dessert at some place in the city that I've never heard of. We park, walk in, and Kat completely disregards the hostess and tells her that "we're just looking for our party." I'm thinking that Kat is just being Chinese and is just scoping the place out before we commit to getting a table so I'm slightly embarassed when the hostess taps my arm to tell me that she can help us find our people. I brush her off because I'm embarassed that she's hounding us down when we don't even have people to look for. I continue to follow Kat and then BOOOM! I see a table full of Asian people + 1 Croatian in a restaurant full of Non-Asians! It's my family and friends! Bring out the bubbly as this b-day was bombbb!
Perks: Party SWAG (Stuff We All Get) - Kat got all of us sugar cookies from The Cakery on Burlingame Ave. and Sephora Gift Cards.... Wheeee!
Memorable Moments: Lib, Kat and me reenacting our childhood Folk Dance of "Ali-san li Gu-Niang"(Ali-San Princess) in the Spruce dining room. Oggie and Mell doing High School Prom poses for the camera, you'll see below.
Shout Outs T0: Daj for organizing without me knowing anything, Lib and Cassie for making me feel crappy all week and trying semi-unsuccessfully to make me think no one cared for me on my b-day by pretending she was in LA for the weekend, Mell and Oggie for conspiring with Kat and for keeping the cat in the bag.
Conclusion: Best Birthday Ever - sorry Bee and Wei weren't there.

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