Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Driving home tonight from work, I had the windows down and, boy oh boy, did it feel great! The clean air and wind after the rain, CRISP and refreshing, were the highlights of my day. That, and getting Mell's itinerary in my gmail box knowin that she and Annette are FO SHO flying down for Bday 2004.

Other highlights of the week so far:
*Eating a Banana/Chocolate Chip Danish from AMANDINE. You've never ever had better consumable bliss.
*Bargaining for a Full Size Mattress: Spring Air Liberty with Pillow Top.
*Doin' 20 minutes of Pilates today, and already aching 12 hours later cuz Pilates is ALLL ABOUT QUALITY not QUANTITY.
*Rememberin' how someone else can make you feel warm'n'fuzzy in a very G-rated way with only their sole company and conversation. I wish I could feel this every day.
*Asking life why it is so hard for boys to want a girl for more than just play. I don't think it's that girl's won't play with boys, it's that girls want to be there for the play and the BAG OF CHIPS. Maybe boy's don't come equipped with a bag of chips? That's why we go lookin' for the BAG OF CHIPS ..aka pure company and conversation from their friends?

*Desperate Housewives
*Sunday Dinner
*New mattress
*Monthly $$Bonus$$ *Cha-ching!*

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