Friday, October 22, 2004

Today I'm The Proud New Owner of a Mattress -- at least monetarily.

After work this evening, Spencer and I headed down to the local Sit'n'Sleep in his lovely ride to check out nests. Both of us have been on the hunt for a great mattress and a competitive price. I did research earlier this week at 3 mattress stores and rallied together a price for Sit'n'Sleep's LARRY "...or it's FREEEEEEEEEEE!" to match and better. I've had my eyes set on the Spring Air Liberty with Pillow Top for the week and so Spence and I went in with a mission.

We went in and was quickly approached by Ali, the store manager. I gave him my film shhhpeel. "Hi, both of us are lookin' for a mattress today. He's lookin' for a queen and I'm lookin' for a full. I've done a lil' research, went competitive mattress shopping @ Leed's, Mattress Gallery and Ortho...." Ali chimes in, "It must have been very confusing..." I go, "A lil bit but I went to Leeds and got a price quote(I busted out the business cards and number quotes), and I also spoke to Angie and she said she'd match the price. I have my eyes set on an Spring Air Liberty, do you have it in stock?" This is where Ali shows us the mattresses and we roll around and test the puppies out and Ali goes to calculate what kinda deal he can give us. He has to work with Leed's quote of $399....mattress/delivery. Sit'n'sleep initially quoted me @ $425. =) Ok, he comes back with $399 out the door, and $420 for Spencer. And we're pretty much sold after doing a few turning radi' on the bed and further testing.

As we settle the paperwork, we discover that he grew up in West Covina and coached my store manager's lil brother in Football and even knows my store manager Jen. Crazy world. AND he went to SC. AND HE THREW IN a COUPLE EXTRA POLYFILL HYPO-ALLERGIC PILLOWS. HAHHA. What a day.

In conclusion....

1. Do your research when mattress shopping. Let them know that you've done your homework.
2. Engage in competitive bargaining... 2 heads are better than 1.
3. Engage in conversation with anyone you do business with... you'd be surprised how small the world really is....really.
4. Fight on. Two words to live by.
5. My mattress arrives WED. if you'd like to come over and jump on it. Old mattress will be moved downstairs in the meantime til BDAY WEEKEND so my guests have something to sleep on since the couch and futon don't accomodate the expected # of guests. hehe.
6. Medium-firm. Medium-firm. Pillow top! Pillow top!

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