Sunday, November 03, 2002

Yesterday was a long, great, fabulous day. Started off with me attempting to make Funnel Cake for everyone. I was craving Funnel Cake because I didn't get a chance to go to Knott's Scary Farm this year, due to the fact that 1. My stomach can't take roller coasters anyone and 2. I've gone for the past 2 years, or 3 years is it? Anyways, they tasted fine, but presentation wise, they weren't pretty enough to give to my peeps. Sorry, KiDs!

Anyways, moving on thru the day, the best part about it: getting the call from J.Crew, saying they were offering me a job! The feeling is oh so great when you're done with all the interviewing process, and the place you wanna work for, for the time being, offers you a job! So I am now part of the J.Crew family! Training next Sunday, and then I start! Yay!

Besides J.Crew, we(you know who we is yes? We is "deltas" from here on out k?) had dinner @ Tony Roma's and it was fabulous. Everyone got to yap, joke around, cough sickies (me!), grub, laugh, etc. And I got to ask my daughters, "Which 3 Pledge Bros. would you date?" It was hilarious, sweet, and cute. You wanna know the answers? Well.... 2 damn bad. SECRET! =) The rest of the evening was uneventful.

Today, I introduced SATC, Sex and the City, to the daughters. We shall now watch episodes everytime anyone of 'em come over.
Any last thoughts before I post this? Hmm. Ah yes. A Recommended mp3 DL: Howie Day "Ghost", recommendation courtesy of Nick.