Sunday, February 27, 2005

A 2-Week break

As I take a 2-week sabatical out of work, I hope to explore the greater existence of a world that's not the USA. This sabatical involves going to foreign lands with different bacterias, which means, I can look forward to an upset stomach for a few days. Yay! As if my gastro-system isn't as delicate as it is!!! Lactose-intolerant! Blech!

In the meantime, I will miss tiVo: Bachelorette Finale and After The Final Rose (I hope Jerry loses), Gilmore Girls, The OC, Alias and of course, ALIAS nite's @ the apt. I will miss aim. My cell phone. My fast-connection internet.

In the meantime, go watch Million Dollar Baby. I didn't really like Hilary Swank previously, but she gives such an incredible performance with the ensemble of Eastwood and my eternal favorite, Morgan Freeman. Freeman moves me to the edge of tears....shout out to Shawshank Redemption. This movie is one of the movies that made me "feel alive" and it reminded me again that everyone dies, but not everyone lives. Go find your calling and live life in some way that makes it AMAZING. I'm gonna research for my own.

For the next two weeks, a big 'ol shout out to my Macushla's!! Miss me! =)

"Macushla" -- Irish term of endearment for darling or dearest. Learned it from Million Dollar Baby, bay-beh-bay-beh!!!!