Saturday, February 08, 2003

*Word to the Wise*

From my d-daughter Emily...
~*~ 13 strong, 13 together ~*~
~*~ see you on the other side ~*~

i have other 12 girls who...
i can trust...
i can depend on...
who are in this for the long run...
who are going to be there for me and experiencing it with me...
we're in this TOGETHER alpha tau......
LOVE YA ALPHA TAU~!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is what my life is all about.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Learning to Breathe

Learning to care is like learning to breathe. Once you get it, it becomes subconscious. It's part of you. It's forever. Now can you get there? Can you Really get there? Take the risk. Take the dive.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I am now addicted to this show. Michael Vartan is the new addition of IT man in my world. Sooo hot sooo dreamy. This show kicks ass because A. Jennifer Garner is a good-lookin spy who kicks ass, literally. B. Michael Vartan is hottie Boy Scout co-worker of hers and C. they are finally hooking up. What's not to like!?!?