Saturday, January 15, 2005

What We Do For The Name of Love/Family.

What does it mean to sacrafice?
Where is your step in the right direction?
It's nice you say you care, but could you show it a lil more often?
Maybe it's that some people have no concept of what that is because they never knew it growing up so they are ill-equipped to even try expressing love.

I must say I slighty [ =) ] ill-equipped with expressing my love...mainly to my family..but I SWEAR, I'm trying. I'M TRYING. It's probably an inner fear of something or other.

And ladies, if you want some guy to worship/adore you, make sure he wants you first. For guys, if they want something, chances are, they go for it. If he doesn't want you now, he prolly won't want you later - so save yourself the misery, he's just not that into you. Attribute it to their "hunter-gather" identity. We're all lil more negotiable cuz we're emotional, we get tied up, and we can stick with someone we didn't necessarily want to begin with but we end up attached to them cuz we get emotional. For girls -- we are be wishy-washy and then commit, for boys, not-so-much. If you weren't hot then, you aren't hot now. Am I saying to for you? For myself? I think I'm saying for womankind. Move on to greener pastures - he's bound to be out there so keep the faith.