Friday, March 07, 2003

AFTERNOON SOAP OPERA TALK SHOWS: The Showcase of the Gutter of our Society

So before catching the tram today to school, I decided to watch some tv. I flip it on, and see that The Maury Povich(sp?) Show is on. I'll have you know, this show used to have quality topics, but has turned into a Jenny Jones. I read the bottom left corner: (topic) Are you the father of my child: Paternity Suits. There's this big black mother onstage, and this big black guy on stage. Maury busts open the Paternity Test, and *drumrolll* he isn't the father of her 8-month old child. She stalks weeping, and walks backstage, and Maury asks, "Do you want us to help find the father of your child?" She agrees. While she agrees, she says, "oh my sister is goin to be upset!" Maury asks why.. cuz this girl slept with her sister's fiance too, so he could possibly be the father.

So in a future episode maury brings her back, and the sister's fiance... turns out, he's not the father either. And the woman is like, "i knew it. i knew it couldnt be him"...and then maury tells her "Will" is the father. And then, she BEGINS SOBBING AGAIN...and is like, "Noooo, nooooo. God no. He's not father material." She continues weeping and repeating.

Okay, my take on this: the woman needs to stop sleepin aronud and start CLOSING HER LEGS. Shame on her for even sleeping with someone of such low caliber. Is it the sex that she wants so bad? What is wrong with these people!?!?! She's had sex with so many guys she can't even figure out who the father of her child is! And to add to that, she sleeps with her sister's fiance?!?! And shame on the sister's fiance for sleeping with his fiance's sister!!! What is wrong with people today?!?! AND THEY HAVE TO AIR OUR THEIR DIRTY LAUNDRY on NATIONAL TV!!! Do they understand how HORRIBLE they look. What kind of reputation and impression they leave on viewers!?!?! Anyways, that's my absurd story for the day. I hope you enjoyed. And shame on me, too, for watching this crap!!! =)

Monday, March 03, 2003

Good Lyrics:

Jennifer Paige
Here With Me

In my head
I have dreams
I have visions of many things
Questions longings in my mind

Pictures fill my head
I feel so trapped instead
But trapped doesn't seem so bad
Cause you are here

It doesn't mean anything
Without you here with me
And I can try to justify
But I still need you here with me

In my heart I had hope
Built on dreams I'll never know
Answers to love left behind
Visions filled my head

I felt so trapped instead
But trapped didn't seem so bad
Cause you were near

It doesn't mean anything
Without you here with me
And I can try to justify
But I still need you here with me

I can't do anything without you
You give me strength to do anything
And I can't be everything I try to
You saved me from the everything I couldn't be

It doesn't mean anything
Without you here with me
And I can try to justify
But I still need you here with me

Need you here with me
I need you here with me

Delta Secret Service: Now Accepting Qualified Field and Online Agents

Current Aliases:
1.Agent DD
2.Agent M
3.Agent Goo
4.Agent Bang Sang (real conspicuous!)

Be a Secret Service of One. Now Accepting applications!! AIM: uscjessc
WHo'S the BEST? Agent Bang Sang

SANGkyooVERYmuch: the second time i watched titanic... I was like "bitch share the log
SANGkyooVERYmuch: haha
UscJessC: share the log? it was gonna sink with 2 of em on it!
SANGkyooVERYmuch: no
SANGkyooVERYmuch: that's what she wanted him to think
UscJessC: ewwwwwwwwww. youre a romance party pooper!
SANGkyooVERYmuch: ;-)
SANGkyooVERYmuch: hehe
UscJessC: he was being the MAN
SANGkyooVERYmuch: doesn't matter if ur the man and dead
SANGkyooVERYmuch: !!!
SANGkyooVERYmuch: :-D
UscJessC: omg.. sang.. u know if the love of your life was cold in the water.. you';d give her the log!
SANGkyooVERYmuch: yea
UscJessC: and you'd tread on the side, floating..
UscJessC: cuz you're that kind of man.
UscJessC: 8-)
SANGkyooVERYmuch: but i would also try to look for another thing to float on
UscJessC: i would to if i were jack.
SANGkyooVERYmuch: cuz im also a resourceful/practical kinda guy
UscJessC: heheh
SANGkyooVERYmuch: haha
SANGkyooVERYmuch: stupid ass
--Sang rules.

More Coolness!
SANGkyooVERYmuch: did i stumble on delta secret service?
SANGkyooVERYmuch: =-O
UscJessC: totally.
UscJessC: it's a joke.
UscJessC: dd is a joke is what im saying
SANGkyooVERYmuch: dd = ?
UscJessC: bra size.
SANGkyooVERYmuch: can i be agent sang?
UscJessC: not mine.
SANGkyooVERYmuch: icic
UscJessC: agent sang is kinda boring.
UscJessC: gotta spice it up!
SANGkyooVERYmuch: agent bang?
SANGkyooVERYmuch: haha
UscJessC: sounds good.
SANGkyooVERYmuch: no
SANGkyooVERYmuch: haha
UscJessC: agent bang sang u r
SANGkyooVERYmuch: sANGbANG not bang sang
SANGkyooVERYmuch: latter sound bad :-\
*drumroll* Agent Bang Sang you are! Congrats and welcome to the Delta Secret Service!!!! *muah!*