Monday, December 16, 2002

It is 4:12 AM, taking a 5 minute break from studying till my 11 am final. Studying Gender, media, communication...and I came across this fascinating excerpt from Susan Faludi's "Backlash: The Undeclared Ware Against American Women"
"..Professional women are suffering "burnout" and succumbing to an "infertility epidemic." Single women are grieving from a "man shortage."..Unwed women are "hysterical" and crumbling under a "profound crisis of confidence."///
How can American women be in so much trouble at the same time that they are supposed to be so blessed? If the status of women has never been hihger, why is their emotional state so low?
The prevailing wisdom of the past decade has supported one, and only one, answer to this riddle: it must be all that eqaulity that's causing all that pain. Women are unhappy precisely because they are free. Women are enslaved by their own liberation. They have grabbed at the gol ring of independence, only to miss the one ring that realllllly matters....They have pursued their own professional dreams)) and lost out on the greatest female adventure. The women's movement, as we are told time and again, has proved women's own worst enemy."
--Please ponder, and I shall give my piece-of-mind later on my next break. But bottomline: why must we be punished for goin' after our dreams?!?!?!