Friday, July 01, 2005


So today is July 1st and I feel like Summer Part 1 is already overs. Summer only started last week but much has changed and finished already with July and August still yet to bloom. Summer Part 1 is over because sister Kat's 3-month sabatical to LA concluded today which means sister Pat is back from her 3-month sabatical in EUrOpA! and Summer in retail ends now with Fall rollin' in when the weather just started to get HOT HOT HOT.

Kat's stay here has been better than expected. She's a fabulous roommate so if anyone ever needs one, and if she's ever available (which she prolly won't be), definitely swipe her up. But what a pleasant person to live with! Responsible, clean, tidy, cooks, etc.! Anyways, it was fun brunching every week, making dinner, going out for dinner, getting lots and lots of coffee, much Peet's, discovering great cheese danishes, and exploring LA! Too bad she is now back to AZ with her other Chen's! Boo-hoo.

3 months of Summer clothing in the store has been great! Fall though, I'd say, is J.Crew's best season of clothing so I look forward to all the great preppy stuff!

This week we also Tea'd @ Bel Air Hotel! It was super elegant, sat in the terrace and it was a perfect day outside! The hotel itself is lodged in the hills above Westwood in Bel-Air. The whole hotel is so nicely tucked away in the hills that the LA traffic doesn't even exist. Fine china! Buttery Currant Scones!Beautiful weather! All n All... FABULOUS...with a side of NANCY REGAN! She was doing an interview (Kat and I concluded). Anyways, doing afternoon isn't cheap, but is a girly luxury every gal should do with her girlfriends every once in a while! SEE PICS.

Other food highlights include FATHER'S OFFICE in Santa burger I think I've ever had. SEE PIC below. Washed down with beer, ale, cider, and their fries, GOSH DARN, are GOOOD too!

ALCOVE cafe in SILVERLAKE was amazing too. Look it up, it's like an URTH but not as "health nut."

The Sampler for ya! Currant Scones on top (soo good), lemon-rasp muffins *gross*, chocolate dipped strawberries, assorted cookies! Posted by Picasa

Kat and the scones! Posted by Picasa

Tea time @ Bel-Air Hotel! We saw Nancy Reagan! Posted by Picasa

Colin with the Chen's! Posted by Picasa

Kat n Jess @ the Cabo Cantina Posted by Picasa

O.G. Santa Monica Posted by Picasa

Santa Monica past n present! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Get your hands on one of these...(half eaten..sorry! I forgot to bust out camera before I took a bite)... from Father's Office.. Santa Monica.. you're not allowed any modifications to the burgers... you're only freewill is rare...medium..medium-well....well. LOVE IT with some Pale Ale or Cider! Posted by Hello

New Line Cinema Publicity Interns Spring 2002...the beginning of a very very long friendship! Skess The Jew... Jess TBD..and Tin.. hollarin' from the Front Lines of Fallujah! Posted by Hello

Jess...rockin' a vintage 2ndhand top from that afternoon..and Tin rockin' her yellow tube top straight from Melrose Posted by Hello

Jess and Skess Posted by Hello

Busboy...Skess and Tin Posted by Hello

In a lil corner @ BASQUE.. I obviously can't center ourselves after a cocktail or two! Posted by Hello

J-DATE this! Susan....young, jewish, hot and fablous! Any takers? Grab a ticket...line forms to the left! Haha! Posted by Hello